Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Assignment - Correction for Legacy assignment link redirected to deprecated mobile view.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Assignment - Legacy assignment link redirected to deprecated mobile view.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Monitor - Not able to view archived process data if completed process data is not migrated.
[ FIXED ]        INSTALL    : wflow-install - Update installer data.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Workflow Manager - Can't save history when variable value is null.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Request Hash Variable - Hash variable is not parse in a new thread.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Properties Editor - Correction for 244df4e.
[ FIXED ]        INSTALL    : Update default app and SQL.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : UI - Plugin service page render using UI popup template does not having theme style.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Properties Editor - CSS Styles - Can't delete style group after added.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Properties Editor - Multi Elements Select Field added 2 rows when it is nested inside another Multi Elements Select Field.
[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Properties Editor - CSS Styling field show HTML when search the group.
[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Date Hash Variable - Correct label.

Professional, Enterprise & Cloud Editions

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : jw-enterprise - Update installers SQL.

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