Bug Fixes and Improvements

All Editions

[ ADDED ]        UI         : Compact Theme - Incorporated Compact Theme to existing DX8 themes.

[ ADDED ]        CORE       : Added method to get closed assignments by user & subtype (completed, aborted).

[ MODIFIED ]     FORM     : Form - Using consistent unique key for form field.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Security - Upgrade TinyMCE to 7.0.1.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Admin Bar - App Designer role seeing links lead to no permission page.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : i18n - Fixed missing confirmation messages for theme switching.

[ ADDED ]        CORE       : App Center - Added ability to search app list.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : Dark Theme - Fixed dark theme is not applied to popup created by form grid and list grid.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Fixed hardcoded asset paths.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : UI - Popup template is not handled RTL.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Installer - Support Java 21 LTS.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : List Inbox - Regression of ec194fa1. Multi approval feature is broken.

[ MODIFIED ]     FORM       : Form Builder - Support configure default styling of all form elements.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : JSON API List Binder - Support auto handling filters on API results.

[ MODIFIED ]     FORM       : Section - Enhance visibility control to support operators and parentheses grouping.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : DX8 Theme - The hide menu button can't trigger when window width is within 1280px to 1286px and there is a scrollbar.

[ FIXED ]        UI       : UI - Priority menu not able to move current page menu.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Admin Bar - Fixed admin bar not displaying properly at different widths.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Create App - Enhance table prefix handling on create app from template and clone app.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Simple Rule - Configuration UI is misaligned.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : BeanShell - Exception handling to log line number for easier debugging and tracing.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : App Composer - App Designer Role should not able to assign another app designer or remove themselves from the role.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Builders - Diff Checker - Added navigation button.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Security - Upgrade Spring Framework to 5.3.33, Spring Security to 5.8.11, Hibernate to 5.6.15.Final, dom4j to 2.1.4, bouncycastle to 1.78, moment.js to 2.30.1.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : SetupManager - Base directory path is not consistently ends with a path separator.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : MFA - Does not call user security login post processing after logged in.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Security - Prevent DOS due to Glowroot upgrade.

[ ADDED ]        CORE       : App Composer - Added app overview tools.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Text Field - Added numpad support for smartphones.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : commons-io is not upgrade correctly.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Sorting Feature - added sorting feature to Grid property.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Import App - Support import zipped git source.

[ MODIFIED ]     UI       : UI - Adding priority menu to addressed long horizontal menu.

Professional, Enterprise & Cloud Editions

[ ADDED ]        UI         : Compact Theme - Added Compact mode to DX8 Angle Theme.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Rich Text Field - Using consistent unique key for form field causing it not working for DX8 Theme.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Permission Menu - Exception shown in log when adding the menu in UI Builder.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Installers - Update default apps & sql files.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : Process Status - Fixed Process Status Formatter in en and AR Visibility Issue in RTL.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Installer - Support Java 21 LTS.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Form/List Grid - Added bulk deletion feature.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Signature - Added option for a full screen.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : BeanShell - Exception handling to log line number for easier debugging and tracing.

[ MODIFIED ]     CORE       : Security - Upgrade Spring Framework to 5.3.33, Spring Security to 5.8.11, Hibernate to 5.6.15.Final, dom4j to 2.1.4, bouncycastle to 1.78, moment.js to 2.30.1.

[ FIXED ]        CORE       : MFA - Does not call user security login post processing after logged in.

[ ADDED ]        CORE       : App Composer - Added app overview tools.

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