
I'm trying to build the joget source by following the steps listed in knowledge base. http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KB/Building+from+Source

My joget back end is oracle and I'm using maven 2.2.1 to build. My build is getting failed during the build of wflow-directory. I have attached the error logs with my post and I have seen a similar issue posted in the same forum (tried out all the options listed there). Also the original thread doesn't have the issue resolved there.

Can you please let me know if i'm missing anything? i just did the steps listed in the knowledge base.



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  1. Couple of users have reported similar issue and haven't posted a solution for it. Any help or clue on this issue will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

  2. I'm using oracle as my joget backend, will that be a problem? Hugho has mentioned that it would be database connectivity issue in other thread, but my oracle service is running and Joget application is also up and running.

    1. When we build from source, the dependent datasource configuration file is kept in the OS' user directory. For example, in my Windows instance, the dependent datasource config file is kept in C:\Users\myname\wflow\datasource-sampledb.properties

      Try to take a look at yours, and update your datasource profile accordingly.

      1. I have been breaking my head for last 3 days. Just now completed building the source and Thanks so much Tiensoon. i changed the datasource properties in user directory path and everything worked.

        If possible please include this in FAQ or troubleshooting section, just my thoughts.

  3. Hey,

    Maybe you can try to install the default Joget installer first, make sure that it can run before trying to build it from the source. Also, when building from the source, try to use back the Joget default's database service first before using Oracle.

    Hope it helps.

    1. Hi Hugho, i tried Tiensoon's suggestion and everything worked. I used default MySql datasource and even mYSql is running in port 3307 and not 3306. All the datasource properties and applicationcontext xml were pointing to 3306.I had changed all of them to 3307 and finally changed the datasource properties in user directory.

      Thanks to both of you for looking into this. Appreciate it.