dear all,

i am trying to set up a simple workflow but the email plugin cant send out email. I tried same configuration in my outlook and it works fine.

Anyone can help me with this?

INFO 31 May 2011 03:32:13$1 - EmailPlugin:
Sending email,, subject=leave r
INFO 31 May 2011 03:32:13 org.joget.workflow.controller.WorkflowJsonController

  • Assignment 202_201_testleave_newpkg1_wp1_validate completed
    ERROR 31 May 2011 03:32:34$1 -
    mmons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the following server failed : ma
    org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to the following serve
    r failed :
    at org.apache.commons.mail.Email.sendMimeMessage(
    at org.apache.commons.mail.Email.send(
    Caused by: javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: mail.d, port: 25;
    nested exception is: Connection timed out: connect
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
    at javax.mail.Transport.send(
    at org.apache.commons.mail.Email.sendMimeMessage(
    ... 3 more
    Caused by: Connection timed out: connect
    at Method)
    at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.createSocket(
    at com.sun.mail.util.SocketFetcher.getSocket(
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
    ... 10 more
  • No labels


  1. Mind sharing your plugin configuration?

    There's something wrong with your "To" property.

  2. Hi Kelvin, it looks like Joget Workflow can't deliver email via the, port: 25 SMTP. Have you tried using the same SMTP in email client (such as Outlook) configuration, in the same PC?

    And also, if you are using Streamyx broadband, Streamyx actually blocks outbound mail on port 25. You have to use the alternative as suggested in this visual guide.

  3. hi i tried my msn mail also cannot

    1. The "from" field should be your full email address I think. Try again and see.

      1. Add:

        The error you first posted shows that Joget can't connect to the email server desired and not because of authentication problem anyway, can you check if you have any sort of firewall or antivirus blocking its access?

  4. same error as above

  5. and my outlook is working fine using all those settings...

    1. Hi Kelvin,

      To test the plugin, I'd suggest you create a 'bare bone' workflow, which consist of only this single Tool, that maps to the Email Plugin. For the config, do all the necessary only, i.e. SMTP Host, Port and authentication information. For 'From', use a proper, correct From address. Some servers do a double check on that field as well. Use the To (specific email address) and place another valid email address here. Type in some Subject and Message. Then, run the process. This way, we're sure configuration is bare minimum, and correct.

      If you still get the error, check your antivirus or firewall settings. You'll need to make sure that Java has been allowed to send traffic through port 25 or whichever port that you intend to communicate with your SMTP server. This has to be specifically allowed. Of course, the easiest way to test is to disable everything for a while, and run the process.

      I hope this helps, I know how frustrating it can be.


    2. To further explain on the firewall-related setting that Sam has pointed out, this screenshot shows an example of the configuration that I'm using in my McAfee Access Protection. Mass Mailing from executables in my machine is blocked by default, but java.exe is specifically allowed.

      And also, the standard Email Plugin doesn't support SMTP that requires SSL/TLS.

      Anyway, for development and testing purposes, you can also choose to run a very simple SMTP server in your own PC. Sometime, I'm doing that too. You may try this Free SMTP Server to run a localhost SMTP.

  6. thanks everyone for your advice... still trying.... 

  7. Hi all,

    I'am also having problems configuring my email plugin...

    here's my current configuration :

    Gmail requires to use SSL or TLS connexions, is it possible with this email plugin ?

    If so, how ?...

    If not, is there another plugin I should use ?



    1. Hi Antoine,

      The Email Plugin doesn't support Gmail server, which requires SSL/TLS connection. Please use Google Mail Plugin for this purpose.

    2. I forgot to give you the error message I get when trying to send an email :



      1. Thanks for answering so fast !

        I tried the google mail plugin but it still doesn't work...

        here is my new configuration :

        and here are my error logs :



        1. Hi antoine,

          It seems that it is having problem connecting to the smtp server. Can you try on to verify that your machine can communicate with Google's SMTP server?

          1. Click the Start button, then Control Panel, and Programs.
          2. Click Turn Windows Features On or Off.
          3. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
          4. In the Windows Features box, check the box labeled Telnet Client, and click OK. (It may take a few minutes for the installation to complete.)
          1. I finally managed to send my email !!

            Actually, the mail server blocked gmail mail server so I had to use my local mail server which worked well...

            thank you for helping me,


  8. My email plugin cant send out email,anyone can help me with this?TQ

    1. josephchaong,

      Please check with your mail server administrator on the correct settings to be used to send out mails. Try to switch to port other than 25 to see if it helps.

  9. I finally managed to send my email,but I'm using Google mail plug-in which worked well.But i try configure the attachment setting but still no display of the form at my Google email, i want user registration form to be display at my Google email.

    thank you for helping me,


    1. Hi Joseph,

      For the attachment, you should be using #form.SEDC_ESSP_01.fileAttachmentField#

      I can't locate any file upload element in your form screenshot so I'm just using a sample field named "fileAttachmentField" in this case.

      Hope this helps! Tell me if this works or not later on.

      Have a nice day.

      1. Hi Hugo,

        actually the file that i want to upload is "create user account" under SEDC e-Sp Registration System category. i don't know which i should use "SEDC e-Sp Registration System", "create user account" or "Required Information for SSP Account".Tq

        1. Hi Joseph,

          It is the file element field name.

          Are you trying to attach a Joget form or a file upload?

          1. Hi Hugo,

            I want to attach Joget form.can?

            1. Hi Joseph,

              There's no immediate solution on this at the moment. May need to dig into the coding for this.

  10. Hi,

    i hope someone could help me with this...

    i'm using v3 in ubuntu and i cant seems to send email, and there are no gmail plugin for v3

    i really hope someone can help me..


    N.aimi F

    1. Hi,

      Are you using the Google mail plugin or the email plugin? Looks like you have to try with Google mail plugin.


  11. Hi, I get below error when i try to configure the email tool plugin
    I hav tried port 25 and same. Anyone can help?

    1. Hi Kumar,

      Make sure that you can connect to email server. Please check with your administrator or your firewall policy.


      1. Hi, 

        I can connect to on port 110. I tried telnet and it does allow me to connect.

        I will check again though. Is there anything else i could be missing based on that error message

  12. Hi,

    I created and tested with some tools and also online smtp test. All test were able to connect to smtp on port 25.

    I even tried sending a test mail from a smtp online tool and received fine.
    But when i put the same configuration in joget v3 it says network unreachable