Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi Owen,
I want to get the latest process id in wf_link table with given id in the form data table. The reason we need that is when we upgrade the process, process id changes every time. What I really want is access WorkflowProcessLinkDao to get process links for given processid in form data table.
Please show me a direction.
Thanks a lot.
WorkflowAssignmentDao is not exported to use in Plugin Framework (Felix). It suppose to designed for internal usage only. Please use WorkflowManager.getAssignmentListLite to retrieve your assignment.
Best regards.
I want to access org.joget.workflow.shark.model.dao.WorkflowAssignmentDao within my plugin. I added wflow-wfengine as a dependancy. Then plugin builds without an error. But, when I upload the plugin, it throws error follow.