Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Processes form an integral part of any web application. It deals They deal with the flow of information and the conditions that determine the behavior and the route of any application. Processes in Joget is rather like building a flowchart that will contain the roles involved (participants), the activities, the conditions and its their executions, as well as the data that carries flow from activity to activity (workflow variables).
Note, however, that while processes are important, they're not necessarily a must-have in a web application. In Joget, its it's perfectly possible to build a full and complete application in which there are no processes involved.
For the purpose of the this tutorial, however, we are going to build a sample application that should cover covers most aspects of application development within Joget. This The simple application that we're going to build is a Leave Application Process . In the leave application process,where:
1. Anyone from a particular organization can apply for leave.
2. Once a leave application is filed, the direct superior of the applicant will be notified. The superior will then choose to either approve or reject the leave application.
3. If the direct superior decides to approve the application, the HOD will then be notified. Similarly, the HOD can choose to either approve or reject the application.