Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Read here for full details about PWA and its benefits:
As a brand new feature of Joget DX, Joget apps support PWA features by default.
Joget allow allows users to easily install apps into mobile devices through compatible browsers.
Most userview menus support offline caching.
To configure them, you can directly edit the userview menu, or via the Builder Advanced Tools in the userview builder.
1. Select Advanced Tools in the userview builder.
2. Edit the userview menu you wish to configure PWA settings for.
3. Select the "Performance & Offline" tab, and you can configure PWA offline settings here.
Users can access this setting by going through the "Settings" tab in the userview builder.
1. Click on Settings.
2. Click on Theme and then click on Progressive Web app (PWA) Settings.