Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance. Justin
Saved on Jul 16, 2020
Description of department.
{ "id": "apiTestDept", "name": "API TEST Department", "description": "This is a department created by API.", "organization": { "id": "ORG-001" } }
{ "userId": "cat", "startDate": null, "endDate": null, "employeeCode": "", "gradeId": "G-003", "departmentId": "apiTestDept", "organizationId": "ORG-001" }
{ "date": "Wed Aug 28 01:29:38 SGT 2019", "code": "200", "message": "Successful operation" }
Gets all departments from all organizations by default.
Able to filter or sort the returned results via parameters.
Department data column to sort.
Must be used in conjunction with "sortDescending" parameter.
Sort the specified "sort" parameter value in ascending or descending order.
Expects a boolean value.
Must be used in conjunction with "sort" parameter.
[ { "id": "D-001", "name": "CEO Office", "description": "", "organization": { "id": "ORG-001" } }, { "id": "D-002", "name": "Human Resource and Admin", "description": "", "organization": { "id": "ORG-001" } }, ..... ]
{ "id": "D-001", "name": "CEO Office", "description": "" }
{ "date": "Thu Dec 05 03:29:56 SGT 2019", "code": "200", "message": "Successful operation" }
{ "id": "apiTestDept", "name": "API TEST Department", "description": "I update this department description via API." }