Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
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SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; delete sa from SHKAssignmentsTable as sa left join SHKProcesses as sp on sa.ActivityProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete sadsaj from SHKAndJoinTable as saj left join SHKActivities as sac on saj.Activity = sac.oid left join SHKProcesses as sp on sac.ProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete sadsd from SHKDeadlines as sd left join SHKActivities as sac on sd.Activity = sac.oid left join SHKProcesses as sp on sac.ProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete sad from SHKActivityData as sad left join SHKActivities as sac on sad.Activity = sac.oid left join SHKProcesses as sp on sac.ProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete sac from SHKActivities as sac left join SHKProcesses as sp on sac.ProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete spd from SHKProcessData as spd left join SHKProcesses as sp on spd.Process = sp.oid where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete spr from SHKProcessRequesters as spr left join SHKProcesses as sp on spr.Id = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete from SHKProcesses where (State = 1000006 or State = 1000008 or State = 1000010); SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1; |
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delete (select sa.* from SHKAssignmentsTable sa left join SHKProcesses sp on sa.ActivityProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010)); delete sad from SHKAndJoinTable as saj left join SHKActivities as sac on saj.Activity = sac.oid left join SHKProcesses as sp on sac.ProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete sad from SHKDeadlines as sd left join SHKActivities as sac on sd.Activity = sac.oid left join SHKProcesses as sp on sac.ProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010); delete (select sad.* from SHKActivityData sad left join SHKActivities sac on sad.Activity = sac.oid left join SHKProcesses sp on sac.ProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010)); delete (select sac.* from SHKActivities sac left join SHKProcesses sp on sac.ProcessId = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010)); delete (select spd.* from SHKProcessData spd left join SHKProcesses sp on spd.Process = sp.oid where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010)); delete (select spr.* from SHKProcessRequesters spr left join SHKProcesses sp on spr.Id = sp.ID where (sp.State = 1000006 or sp.State = 1000008 or sp.State = 1000010)); delete from SHKProcesses where (State = 1000006 or State = 1000008 or State = 1000010); |
If you would like to clean the all the process instances data including the running process instances, you can use the following query.
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delete (select xd.* from SHKXPDLData xd left join SHKXPDLS x on x.oid= xd.XPDL where concat(x.XPDLId, x.XPDLVersion) not in ( select concat(packageId,packageVersion) as id from ( select def.PackageId as packageId, TO_CHAR(def.ProcessDefinitionVersion) as packageVersion from SHKActivities act join SHKProcesses pro on act.Process = pro.oid left join SHKProcessDefinitions def on pro.ProcessDefinition = def.oid group by def.PackageId, def.ProcessDefinitionVersion union select packageId, TO_CHAR(packageVersion) from app_package ) group by packageId, packageVersion )); delete (select x.* from SHKXPDLS x where concat(x.XPDLId, x.XPDLVersion) not in ( select concat(packageId,packageVersion) as id from ( select def.PackageId as packageId, TO_CHAR(def.ProcessDefinitionVersion) as packageVersion from SHKActivities act join SHKProcesses pro on act.Process = pro.oid left join SHKProcessDefinitions def on pro.ProcessDefinition = def.oid group by def.PackageId, def.ProcessDefinitionVersion union select packageId, TO_CHAR(packageVersion) from app_package ) group by packageId, packageVersion )); |