Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
[ FIXED ] DATALIST : Date created and date modified column are not following locale date format
when "Using Locale Date Format" is enabled.
[ MODIFIED ] FORM : Handle "dateCreated" and "dateModified" field to follow locale format and
user timezone when server timezone is not UTC.
[ FIXED ] APP : Redundant hash variable parsing causes the encrypted content in form
template to cause the HTML being malformed.
[ FIXED ] FORM : Correction of Date column format type to support "UTC" format to display
based on user timezone and locale format.
[ MODIFIED ] APP : User and Current User Hash Variable support retrieve user data format with
"dateFormat" and "dateTimeFormat".
[ MODIFIED ] FORM : Date column format type to support "UTC" format to display based on user timezone
and locale format in Form/List Grid.