Enterprise Edition Platform Activation
- Platform license is based on a system key (based on network hardware and profile). So, a license cannot be used across different machines; each machine needs a different license.
- The default 3-user license does not require activation.
- License Activation:
App Protection
There are now 2 types of apps: normal apps and "protected" apps.
- Protected apps are those that require an app license to function.
- "Protected App" (and expiry date, if applicable) is displayed in the Design App page.
- Exported app definition is encrypted, and form definition in DB is also encrypted.
- By default, an app license is tied to the specific app ID and the "Licensed To" string in the platform license. For example, if you have 2 machines with platform licenses issued to "Open Dynamics Inc", the same app license can be used on both.
- There is an optional feature to support app-level activation (i.e., apps can also be tied to the system key).
- App licenses can also have expiry dates.
- Protected apps with invalid/expired licenses will display a form to key in the app license.
- Copy-Protected App Activation: