Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
[ FIXED ] CORE : Import from latest build will cause error and color variances.
[ MODIFY ] CORE CORE : Updated commons-io to 2.7 for CVE-2021-29425
[ MODIFY ] CORE CORE : Upgraded to Apache Tomcat 8.5.65
[ FIXED ] CORE : Duplicate shell scripts in installer bundle
[ ADDED ] CORE CORE : Provide a new form control to have the ability to have font size variations.
[ FIXED ] CORE : JSON Tool/SOAP Tool storeToForm() method throw cast exception when response only return single row.
[ MODIFY ] CORE CORE : Reviewed all the current themes on Joget to maintain the color contrast ratios specified by WCAG.
[ FIXED ] DATALIST : Datalist, footable buttons missing on mobile/tablet view.
[ MODIFY ] CORE CORE : Remove extra tempLocale.
[ ADDED ] FORM FORM : Date Picker support changing "Starting day of week" based on locale.