Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  • type : 'CodeEditor'
  • mode : Optional, used for specified highlight mode. Default to 'text', available values are 'text', 'java', 'html', 'javascript', 'css', 'json', 'sql' and 'xml'.
  • Refer to Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Single Value Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.



  • type : 'ElementSelect'
  • url : a URL which will return Properties Options JSON object of the selected element. Built-in URL is "[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/property/json[APP_PATH]/getPropertyOptions" which will return the Properties Options JSON object of a plugin.
  • keep_value_on_change : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. Used to decide whether to keep the configuration of the properties options of previous selected element when a new element is selected.
  • Refer to Option Field Attributes for extra attributes.
  • Refer to Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Usually used for select a plugin and configure the properties of the selected plugin.
  • Refer to Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - ElementSelectBox on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.




  • type : 'Header'
  • Refer to Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • This field type is used for separate the fields into different groups. It is not use for capture data. 

Hidden Field

HTML Editor





Readonly Text Field


Text Area


Regular Express (Regex) Validation Attributes

  • The following attributes are designed for Password Field, Text Area and Text Field
  • regex_validation : Optional, regular express in string format. 
  • validation_message : Optional, error message to display when validation failure. 
Code Block
    regex_validation : '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$',
    validation_message : 'Invalid ID!!'

Dependency Field Attributes

  • The following attributes are available for all field types.
  • These attributes are used to show/hide a field based on the value of another field.
  • The value of a field hidden by these attributes will be ignore during save.
  • control_field : Optional, 'name' of another field used to control the show/hide of current field.
  • control_value : Optional, value or regular expression (regex) in string format. This value need to match the value of the controlling field in order to make the field visible.
  • control_use_regex : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. Default to 'false'. Set to 'true' to use regular expression (regex) in matching the value.
Code Block
    control_field: 'chartType',
    control_value: 'bar|xy|area|bubble|line|candlestick|ohlc',
    control_use_regex: 'true',

Options Field Attributes

  • The following attributes are designed for options fields like Check Box, Element Select Box, Multi Select Box, Radio Button and Select Box.
  • You can choose to use one of the following attributes "options", "options_ajax", "options_callback" or "options_script" to populate the options for the field.
  • options : Optional, an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes.
Code Block
options : [
    {value: 'value1', label : 'Value 1'},
    {value: 'value2', label : 'Value 2'},
    {value: 'value3', label : 'Value 3'}
  • options_ajax : Optional, a URL which will


  • return an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes.
Code Block
options_ajax : '[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/json/console/app[APP_PATH]/datalist/options'
  • options_ajax_on_change : Optional, name of a property field. Used together with 'options_ajax' attribute. The field name and its value will passed as HTTP request parameter to the URL.
Code Block
options_ajax_on_change : 'type'
options_ajax : '[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/json/app[APP_PATH]/plugin/org.joget.plugin.enterprise.SamplePlugin/service?action=getJson'
  • options_callback : Optional, a javascript function name. All attributes in the field will passed as a single JSON object parameter to this function. The function should


  • return an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes.
Code Block
options_callback: 'DatalistBuilder.getColumnOptions'
  • options_script : Optional, a string of javascript which will


  • return an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes.
Code Block
options_script: 'var tempArray = [{\'label\':\'\',\'value\':\'\'}]; 
for(ee in DatalistBuilder.availableColumns){ var temp = {
\'label\' : UI.escapeHTML(DatalistBuilder.availableColumns[ee].label),
\'value\' : DatalistBuilder.availableColumns[ee].id}; 
