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The Import Menu enables a user to import bulk data into a specific form and doing a simple column-to-field mapping.
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Figure 1: Import Menu in Userview
Select File

Extensions supported are:-

  • csv
  • xls
  • xlsx
Import Mode

This would allow you to manage existing records. Choices are:-

  • Import new record only
  • Import new record or update existing record
  • Delete record
Validate data?When checked, value from source will be validated against the specific form element's validator that it is mapped to in the "Column Mappings" property.


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Figure 2: Post submission result in Userview

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Figure 3: Import Menu Properties

in v5... each mapping is equal to a input name 
if the field is in subform, then the field id need to prefix with the id of subform lah
this allow u to import to several tables based on the form binder in the form 
tht y i told u ..u can even import user.. or using bean shell for import
becoz the import is handle by the form binder
the validation is handle by form as well
account_id is the field id
account_crm is the subform id
it is follow the form input name
when u check the input field in ur subform using firebug.. u can see this


NameDescriptionFile Upload FormSpecify the source Form where File Upload element resides.Upload Field IDFile Upload element ID in the specified form above.Store Data
Custom ID 
LabelMenu label.

Specify on where to store the data by choosing a target form.

titleHow storing works?

The target form's store binder will be called upon for data storage.


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Map the source file's CSV values to the target form fields.

Column Number
Refers to the column number in
Column number from the source
CSV. Integer only,
file. Column number starts from
Field Name
Must be a

Corresponding element ID in the



specified above, "Store Data Form"

set above to be mapped to.

If you are referring to a Subform in the target form, remember to prepend the field name with subform element ID followed by an underscore.

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Subform ID:



Form ID set in the Subform: child

Field ID

: account_id

in the subform: name

Field Name:







Key Column Number
Define column number that
holds the primary key value.If nothing is defined, a UUID will be assigned when importing
defines the record id. Column number starts from zero.
Start From Row Number
Define which row number to start
importing data. Integer only, starts from 1.Foreign Keys
processing. Row number starts from zero.

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Figure 4: Import Menu Properties - Actions

Confirmation MessageConfirmation Message.
Message shown when error occurMessage shown when error occur.
Message shown after data importedMessage shown after data imported.
Redirection (Hyperlink)URL to redirect.

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Figure 5: Import Menu Properties - UI

Define other values that can not be found in the CSV file such as Foreign Key value associations data. You may also define hard-coded value here too.

Field NameField name in the target form.Value

Value to be set.

Hash Variable is accepted.
Custom Header Custom Header in HTML.
Custom Footer Custom Footer in HTML.
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Figure 6: Import Menu Properties - Advanced

Userview Key Name 
UTF-8 Encoding Checking?