Versions Compared


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Select the backend service you wish to use to execute your blockchain queries/transactions with:

  • Koios
  • Blockfrost This property will only appear when Backend Service is Blockfrost.
    Network Type

    Select the network to perform transactions on:

    • Mainnet
    • Preview Testnet
    • Pre-production Testnet

    "Mainnet" uses assets with actual monetary value.

    Please use the testnets for testing purposes.

    See Cardano Default Backend Plugin

    Backend Service
    Blockfrost Project Key

    Paste in your generated mainnet/testnet project API key. See

    Transaction Details


    Select a form to retrieve transaction data from.

    All fields from the selected form will be made available for field mapping in the sections below.

    Asset Configuration
    Payment Type

    Select the asset type to transfer:

    • ADA
    • Native Token
    • NFT
    Policy ID

    This property will only appear when Payment Type is Native Token or NFT.

    The policy ID that minted the token.

    Can use a Hash Variable or simply hardcoded.

    Asset Name

    This property will only appear when Payment Type is Native Token or NFT.

    The asset name of the token, e.g.: MyTestToken, My-First-NFT.

    Typically a Hash Variable is used here.

    Payment Configuration
    Sender Address

    Address to send assets from.

    Sender Account Mnemonic Phrase

    This is the sender's account secret key required in order to perform actions with the sender's account.

    Only accepts Hash Variable that points to the sender's encrypted stored mnemonic phrase.


    Account Mnemonic Phrase MUST be strictly secured at all times, and only viewable to the intended user.

    Do NOT key in the plain-text mnemonic phrase here.

    Anyone who possesses this phrase has full unrestricted control and can do irreparable damage!

    Enable Multiple Receivers

    This property will only appear when Payment Type is ADA or Native Token.

    When this option is checked, you can pull multiple rows of data from a datalist to send assets to multiple receivers with their respective amounts.

    With this feature, all the receivers are compiled into a single transaction and executed atomically.

    Datalist To Retrieve Receivers property will appear for you to select an existing datalist in the current app.

    After then, the Datalist Column Mapping (Multiple Receivers Mode) configuration tab will be available for you to map datalist columns accordingly.

    Datalist To Retrieve Receivers

    This property will only appear when Enable Multiple Receivers is checked.

    Select an existing datalist in the current app.

    The plugin will reference the selected datalist here and automatically retrieve data via the Datalist Binder of the selected datalist.

    Receiver Address

    This property will only appear when Enable Multiple Receivers is not checked.

    Address to send assets to.

    Amount To Send

    This property will only appear when Enable Multiple Receivers is not checked.
    If Payment Type is NFT, this property is automatically hidden and is always set to 1.

    Amount of tokens to send.

    Amount can only contain max 6 decimal places. This rule applies for both ADA and native tokens.

    Fee Limit (ADA)

    The maximum limit for transaction fees in units of ADA.


    Value can only contain max 6 decimal places.

    If this is empty, no limit is applied.

    Additional Metadata

    Fields available here depends on the Form selected. Select the field(s) you wish to embed into the transaction metadata.

    Written transaction metadata follows the CIP-20 standard.

    To learn more about transaction metadata, see


    Transactions performed on the blockchain are publicly viewable, including its metadata, as it is intended primarily as an always-accessible proof of existence.

    Do NOT directly embed sensitive information to the transaction metadata.

    Datalist Column Mapping (Multiple Receivers Mode)
