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Table of Contents


Joget Workflow Cloud Edition is an enhanced version of Joget Workflow Enterprise that supports multi-tenancy, allowing for multiple accounts (tenants) to be hosted on one webapp. Each account appears to be a separate installation.

The architecture is based on a shared webapp connecting to separate databases or schemas. This allows for more cost-effective delivery of services, since many accounts can be hosted on a single app server. At the same time, each account has its own separate database and file upload directory to preserve data isolation.



  • Linux
  • Java 7 and above
  • MySQL 5.5 and above


Refer to the Knowledge Base at Installation using the Linux Bundle for more detailed instructions.


DNS Configuration

Each account / tenant is identified by a domain name, so the DNS needs to be configured to point desired domains to Joget. For convenience, it is recommended to use a wildcard DNS record ( For example:


  • The key to the left of the equal sign is the domain name, while the value to the right is the profile.
  • Each profile has a corresponding file app_datasource-(profile).properties which contains the database settings.
  • When a request is received, any matching domain name will use the associated profile.
  • currentProfile is a special key to indicate the default profile to use if there are no matching domains.
  • In terms of file uploads and system generated files, each profile stores its files in the subdirectory (joget.home)/wflow/app_profiles/(profile).

Account Provisioning

There are a few approaches to provision (create) an account.


In a production environment, it is recommended for security purposes that this app be installed on a specific profile instead of the default profile.

Account Removal

Manual Removal

To disable an account, perform the following:


  • Remove the profile entry from (joget.home)/wflow/
  • Delete the profile properties file (joget.home)/wflow/app_datasource-(profile).properties.
  • Delete the associated account database.
  • Delete the associated account profile directory (joget.home)/wflow/app_profiles/(profile).
  • If the Cloud Admin App is used, delete the record from the db table app_fd_cloud_account.



As with a standard Joget installation on Apache Tomcat, the log file is at (joget.home)/apache-tomcat-xxxx/logs/catalina.out.
