Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • An AWS Account
  • Installed AWS CLI



  1. Go to Target Group

  2. Click on Health Check and click Edit
  3. Change the timeout to 30 seconds and interval to 40 seconds
  4. Update the healthy status code to 200-399

  5. Click Save Changes

Updating Permission on Joget wflow folder

Updating ECS Service to Allow execute-command

  1. Open CLI/Terminal
  2. Execute the following command:
    Code Block
    aws ecs update-service --service <ecs-service> --cluster <cluster-name> --enable-execute-command --force-new-deployment
  3. Wait until the deployment is complete before proceeding to the next step. You can view the status through AWS Console

Accessing Container in ECS Task

  1. Go to ECS Cluster and click the cluster that has been created
  2. Go to Services tab and click the service that is in use
  3. Go to Tasks tab and click copy icon beside the Task ID
  4. Open CLI/Terminal
  5. Execute the following command:
    Code Block
    aws ecs execute-command --cluster <cluster-name> --task <task-arn> --container <container-name> --command "/bin/bash" --interactive
    Note: container-name is name given to the container in Task Definition
  6. Once accessed the task, run:
    Code Block
    chown -R tomcat:joget /opt/joget/wflow
  7. Verify the ownership of the folder by running:
    Code Block
    ls -l /opt/joget
    . Ensure that the owner would be tomcat instead of root

Note: You will only need to go through the above steps once as the folder will be shared through EFS

Accessing Joget Through Load Balancer


  1. Click on one of the Cluster on ECS Dashboard
  2. Under Services tab, click Create Service
  3. Under Compute Options, choose one - If you are planning to use multiple Infrastructure, choose Capacity Provider Strategy. If you are using only one type of Infrastructure, choose Launch Type
  4. On Deployment Configuration, choose Service as Application Type
  5. Choose the Task Definition create above on Family dropdown
  6. Enter the Desired Task number, depending on the load expected(Leave at one for testing purpose)
  7. Under networking, you may choose your own VPC if available. You can leave as default for testing
  8. Under Load Balancing, choose Application Load Balancer
  9. Create or choose Existing Load Balancer
  10. Enter or choose the Load Balancer name
  11. Enter 30 in the Health Check Grace Period 
  12. For HTTPS, choose container 9080:9080
  13. Specify the Listener and the Target Group:
    1. Use port 9080 in when creating new Listener
    2. Use HTTPS protocol
    3. Choose the ACM Certificate that you have requested and validated
    4. Enter /jw on the Health Check path.

      Image Added 
  14. Click Create

For further deployment steps, you may continue from here
