Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
本文介绍了在Docker上运行Joget Workflow的步骤. 通过Docker, 您可以通过简单的命令轻松部署Joget Workflow. 公共Joget Workflow镜像存放在Docker Hub仓库 (
Install Docker following the docs at There are instructions for Linux, Windows or Mac.
The easiest way is to run a Joget Workflow container which also contains a MySQL database:
With just a single command, you will have an entire running installation of Joget Workflow. Browse to the installation at http://your_docker_host:8080/jw
For better flexibility and manageability, you can run a Joget Workflow container separately from the database and shared data volume: