Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
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Password Field is standard HTML Input to capture user input, but disguise each character with an asterisk (*) instead of displaying the entered digits. They offer a user on-screen privacy while he or she is entering a password. |
密码字段是标准的HTML输入来捕获用户输入,但用星号(*)伪装每个字符,而不是显示输入的数字。他们在输入密码时为用户提供屏幕上的隐私保护。 |
Figure 1: Sample Password field
Figure 2: Password Field Properties
Name | Description |
IDElement ID | (By declaring as "password", a corresponding database table column "元素ID(通过声明为“c_password" will be created)”,将创建相应的数据库表列“c_password”) |
LabelElement Label to be displayed to end user. | 元素标签显示给最终用户。 |
Name | Description | |||||
Value | 没有找到现有值时的默认值。 这里接受哈希变量。例如,您可以键入以下内容 Default Value when there's no existing value found. Hash variable is accepted here. For example, you may key the following
to pre-populate the field with current logged in user's name.预先使用当前登录用户的名称填充字段。 | |||||
Max Length | Maximum character length allowed.允许的最大字符长度。 | |||||
Validator | Attach a Validator plugin to validate the input value.附加一个Validator插件来验证输入值。
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Size | Width of the element.元素的宽度。 | |||||
Readonly | Determines if the element is editable.确定元素是否可编辑。 | |||||
Display field as Label when readonly? | Displays the value of the element as plain text when element is set to "Readonly".元素设置为“只读”时,将元素的值显示为纯文本。 |
Info |
This element value is encrypted by default.这个元素的值默认是加密的。 |