Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
确定有效运行Joget Workflow所需的服务器规格涉及许多因素。这些是一些非决定性的因素:
There are many factors involved in determining the server specifications needed to run Joget Workflow effectively. These are some of the non-conclusive factors:-
For example, an environment with a small number of users running a heavily-used complex app might require more resources than an environment with large number of users running some simple apps only once a day.
So based only on number of maximum and concurrent users, you wouldn't be able to predict what is needed. Usually customers would start with a single application server first, and scale up or cluster when necessary.
Check out the following articles:-