Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Form 表单 ID | Table Name 表名 |
leaveApplication | leave_application |
leaveDetails | leave_details |
Relationship: One leave application has multiple leave details.
父表单: leaveApplicationParent Form: leaveApplication
Child Form子表单: leaveDetails
Configuring the Grid配置表格
Storing Data
By default, data will be stored in JSON format in the parent table.
Storing in Separate Table
Data can be stored using the Multirow Form Binder set as the Store Binder and Load Binder.
In the selected table, one must create a field to keep the parent ID.
Note: Every "value" in the Grid properties must match their corresponding fields in the selected table.
Each child record must have a unique ID as the primary key.
数据可以使用Multirow Form Binder设置为存储绑定器器和加载绑定器进行存储。
注意:表格属性中的每个“ 值 ”都必须与所选表格中的相应字段匹配。
表Table: leave_application
id | name | .... |
1550 | David | .... |
Table表: leave_details
id | leave_application_id | ... |
800 | 1550 | .... |
801 | 1550 | ... |
802 | 1550 | ... |