For convenience, a simple Joget app is provided to automate the account request approval and provisioning process.
- Import the Cloud Admin app located in (joget.home)/lib/APP_cloud-xxxx.zip, into Joget.
- Go to Properties & Export and set the “domain” to the appropriate value for the main domain (e.g., example.com).
- Publish the app.
- Access the app at http://localhost:8080/jw/web/userview/cloud/admin/.
- Login to view the Account List.
- Select New Account from the drop-down menu to request for a new account.
- When a request is submitted, it needs to be approved. Approve the request; a BeanShell tool will be executed to provision the account.
- Verify that the account is created at the requested domain (e.g., demo.example.com).
- Modify the app where necessary: