Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Create a service instance with the 1gb plan with the name jogetdb:
Code Block |
cf create-service p-mysql 1gb jogetdb |
Create a service instance using the PCF Local Volume Service with the name jogetdata:
Code Block |
cf create-service local-volume free-local-disk jogetdata |
Push the WAR to the Cloud Foundry space with a memory allocation of 1G and application name joget:
Code Block |
cf push joget -p joget_installation_directory/apache-tomcat-8.5.23/webapps/jw.war -m 1G --no-start |
In particular, note down the p-mysql service hostname, port, name, username and password.
Code Block |
System-Provided: { "VCAP_SERVICES": { "local-volume": [ { "credentials": {}, "label": "local-volume", "name": "jogetdata", "plan": "free-local-disk", "provider": null, "syslog_drain_url": null, "tags": [ "local" ], "volume_mounts": [ { "container_dir": "/home/vcap/wflow", "device_type": "shared", "mode": "rw" } ] } ], "p-mysql": [ { "credentials": { "hostname": "", "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://\u0026password=uSRs0B1D6NPNuLOe", "name": "cf_d13b2f40_c124_4c4b_a900_2269e10a7052", "password": "uSRs0B1D6NPNuLOe", "port": 3306, "uri": "mysql://", "username": "XMpalSAOEYcClZl2" }, "label": "p-mysql", "name": "jogetdb", "plan": "1gb", "provider": null, "syslog_drain_url": null, "tags": [ "mysql" ], "volume_mounts": [] } ] } } { "VCAP_APPLICATION": { "application_id": "a450291a-0440-4727-ba78-c65f12d99961", "application_name": "joget", "application_uris": [ "" ], "application_version": "aedb8053-7288-4272-bcf7-85eab3dbd360", "cf_api": "", "limits": { "disk": 512, "fds": 16384, "mem": 1024 }, "name": "joget", "space_id": "4376eb82-3935-49c1-b543-8df589392831", "space_name": "pcfdev-space", "uris": [ "" ], "users": null, "version": "aedb8053-7288-4272-bcf7-85eab3dbd360" } } User-Provided: JBP_CONFIG_SPRING_AUTO_RECONFIGURATION: [enabled: false] JBP_CONFIG_TOMCAT: {tomcat: {context_path: "/jw"}} |