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This document is intended to describe the steps required to deploy Joget Workflow Large Enterprise Edition (LEE) in a clustered environment for scalability and redundancy.


This guide describes the steps required to setup Joget Workflow LEE clustering. The exact steps will depend on the actual products used in each layer.


IMPORTANT: Please note that there is minimal configuration required in Joget Workflow LEE itself, and almost all the work is done on the separate layers so it is vital to ensure that you have sufficient expertise in your chosen products.


Load balancer (hardware or software) to be installed and configured to direct traffic for requests beginning with /jw to the application servers. Verify that the load balancer has been installed and configured correctly so that web traffic is directed to the individual application servers. 



Clustering Configuration

It is important to ensure that the pre-deployment requirements have been verified. Once verified, the Joget Workflow specific steps are as follows:


Once the pre-deployment and clustering configuration has been done, the testing is a matter of using a web browser to access the load balancer. 

Sample Installation and Configuration


This sample describes an installation using the following products:




Workflow v5


Load Balancer

Apache HTTP Web Server 2.4 with mod_proxy and mod_balancer (proxy and load balancing modules) running on Ubuntu 14.04

Application Servers

Apache Tomcat 8.0 running on Ubuntu 14.04

Shared File Directory

NFS on Ubuntu 14.04

Shared Database

MySQL 5.5 on Ubuntu 14.04

IMPORTANT: Please note that this is not a comprehensive guide and does not cover production-level requirements e.g. user permissions, network and database security, etc. Please ensure that these are covered by your system, network and database administrators.


Code Block
sudo exportfs -ra
sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart 


Mount the Shared Directory in the Application Servers


Open a web browser and access each server to confirm that http://server:8080/jw



Configure Application Server Session Replication


More information on Tomcat clustering is at 

Configure Load Balancer

In the load balancer server, install Apache HTTP Server 


Code Block
NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost *>
	DocumentRoot "/var/www/jwsite" 
	ServerName localhost
	DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm 
	<Proxy balancer://wscluster>
		BalancerMember ws://server1:8080 route=node01
		BalancerMember ws://server2:8080 route=node02
		Order deny,allow
		Allow from all
	ProxyPass /jw/web/applog balancer://wscluster/jw/web/applog stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid
	ProxyPassReverse /jw/web/applog balancer://wscluster/jw/web/applog
	<Proxy balancer://cluster>
		BalancerMember http://server1:8080 route=node01
		BalancerMember http://server2:8080 route=node02
		Order deny,allow
		Allow from all
	ProxyPreserveHost On
	ProxyPass /jw balancer://cluster/jw stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid
	ProxyPassReverse /jw balancer://cluster/jw
	ProxyPreserveHost On

Enable the new site and restart Apache

Code Block
sudo a2ensite jwsite
sudo service apache2 reload

Deploy and Configure Joget



Deploy and configure Joget Workflow LEE as described earlier in 2.2 Joget Clustering Configuration