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Although not officially supported at the moment, we have tested Joget Workflow with 虽然当前未作官方正式支持, 我们已经在 PostgreSQL 9.1. If you find any issue(s), please feel free to edit this article or post in the Installation Discussions..  作了Joget Workflow安装测试. 如果您遇到任何问题, 请在 安装讨论 中贴出您的问题.

  1. 在PostgreSQL中创建一个数据库;  命名为 jwdb (或其它任意名字).
  2. 下载 
  3. Create a database in PostgreSQL; name it jwdb (or another preferred name).
  4. Download jwdb-postgresql-v4.psql and load this SQL file into the database 并加载到 "jwdb".
  5. In 在 joget-installation-directory/wflow/, create a new datasource profile file 创建一个数据源配置文件
  6. Edit 用文本编辑器 编辑 joget-installation-directory/wflow/ in a text editor, then insert contents as shown in Figure 1 below. You may need to edit the configuration (such as datasource URL, database user/password) according to your environment. , 插入以下内容如步骤1. 您需要根据实际情况编辑配置 (例如datasource URL, 数据库用户名/密码).
  7. 用文本编辑器 编辑 Edit joget-installation-directory/wflow/ in a text editor, and change the contents as shown in Figure 2 below. This is to activate the datasource profile named "postgresql"., 如步骤2. 它将激活 "mssql" 配置文件为当前数据库连接.
  8. 下载 PostgreSQL JDBC驱动 Download the PostgreSQL JDBC driver from, and copy it into 将它复制到 joget-installation-directory/apache-tomcat-xxxx/lib
  9. Download Shark.conf, and copy it into joget-installation-directory/apache-tomcat-xxxx/webapps/jw/WEB-INF/classes/conf (you will need to create the conf directory first)
  10. Restart Joget Workflow server.


  1. 重启 Joget Workflow 服务.

步骤1: 数据库连接配置

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You may need to change the datasource URL, database user and database user's password accordingly.


步骤2: 数据库当前有效连接配置

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