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  • This line was added.
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Take note that this feature is only available to customers using
请注意,此功能仅适用于目前使用Joget Workflow On
Demand currently.
There are 2 ways for getting Google Drive integration to your copy of Joget Workflow. 

Joget Workflow through Google Apps Marketplace


There is no configurations whatsoever needed to tie your Joget Workflow to your company's Google Apps account as you are signing up through Google Apps Marketplace itself.

  1. Sign up for new Joget Worfklow app from Google Apps Marketplace.
  2. Once your Joget Workflow account is created, you are now ready to add Google Drive File Upload into your Joget Workflow form.

Joget Workflow without going through Google Apps Marketplace

将Google云端硬盘集成到您的Joget Workflow副本有两种方法。 

通过Google Apps Marketplace加入工作流程


当您通过Google Apps Marketplace自行注册时,无需任何配置即可将您的Joget工作流与您公司的Google Apps帐户绑定。

  1. 从Google Apps Marketplace注册新的Joget Worfklow应用
  2. 创建Joget Workflow帐户后,您就可以将Google Drive File Upload 添加  到Joget Workflow表单中。

无需通过Google Apps Marketplace就可以使用Joget Workflow

  1. 请参阅  Google API配置
  2. 完成上述步骤后,您就可以将Google云端硬盘文件上传 添加  到Joget工作流表单中了。
  3. Please see Google API Configuration.
  4. Once you have performed the step above, you are now ready to add Google Drive File Upload into your Joget Workflow form.


Upload to google drive
Upload to google drive

Uploading files to Google Drive

Google Drive File Upload enables you to attach a file to a form and stores to a Google Drive account.


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Figure 1: Google Drive File Upload in Form Builder

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Figure 2: Google Drive File Upload Properties


通过Google云端硬盘文件上传  功能,您可以将文件附加到表单并存储到Google云端硬盘帐户

Image Added

图1:表单生成器中的Google Drive文件上载

Image Added

图2:Google Drive文件上载属性

Google Drive电子邮件定义现有的Google Apps帐户电子邮件以进行文件存储。
IDElement ID (By declaring as "receipt", a corresponding database table column "c_receipt" will be created)
LabelElement Label to be displayed to end user.
Google Drive EmailDefine an existing Google Apps account email for file storage.
Google Drive Base FolderDeclare a folder name as the base for file storage.