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Advanced Form Row Data Data Store is an extended version of the default Form Data List Data Store. It allows you to add in Filter Conditions in a guided and friendly manner.

Advanced Form Data Data Store Properties


Filter Conditions

Filter Conditions

Join Type
  • And
  • Or

Field ID. (e.g. title)

  • Equal


    Return all rows where a specified column is equal to the specified value.

    The following is the list used:

    Example returns all rows containing "Test Item 3" in the "name" column.


  • Not Equal

    titleNot Equal

    Exclude all rows where a specified column is NOT equal to the specified value.

    The following is the list used:

    Example For example exclude all rows containing "Test Item 3" in the "name" column.


  • Greater Than

    titleGreater Than

    Return all rows where the value of a specified column is greater than the specified value 

    The following is the list used:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    Example return rows where the "price" column value is greater than 400.


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  • Greater Than Or Equal

    titleGreater Than Or Equal

    Return all rows where the value of a specified column is greater than or equal to a specified value

    The following is the list used:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    Example return rows where the "price" column value is greater than or equal to 400.


    Image RemovedImage Added

  • Less Than

    titleLess Than

    Return all rows where the value of a specified column is lesser than a specified value 

    The following is the list used:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    Example return rows where the "price" column value is lesser less than 400.


    Image RemovedImage Added

  • Less Than Or Equal

    titleLess Than Or Equal

    Return all rows where the value of a specified column is lesser than or equal to a specified value 

    The following is the list used:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    Example return rows where the "price" column value is lesser than or equal to 400.


    Image RemovedImage Added

  • Like


    The "Like" operator is used for pattern matching and have has numerous use cases:


    "%" will be used as a wildcard to represent any sequence of characters , and the "_" represents

    a single character.

    The following is the list used:

    Wildcard at both ends

    Return all rows where the selected field column value contains the specified "words" anywhere within.

    Following The following example return returns all rows where a string of the "description" column contains "50".

    Image Modified


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    Wildcard at beginning

    Return all rows where the selected field column value ends with the specified characters.

    Following The following example return returns all rows where the "description" column ends with "0". 

    Image Modified


    Image Modified

    Wildcard at ending 

    Return all rows where the selected field column value starts with the specified characters.

    Example For example, return all rows where the "description" column starts with "D".

    Image Modified

    Image Modified

    Single character wildcard

    Returns all rows where the selected field column value matches the specified rules

    Example For example, return all rows where the "description" column contains "T__0" (3rd & 4th character characters can be anything).

    Image Modified


    Image Modified

  • Not Like

    titleNot Like

    The "Not Like" operator is used for excluding patterns or any characters from rows.


    "%" will be used as a wildcard to represent any sequence of characters , and the "_" represents

    a single character.

    The following is the list used:

    Wildcard at both ends of the value

    Exclude all rows where the selected field column value matches the specified value.

    Example For example, exclude all rows with its "description" column containing "50".



    Wildcard at the beginning of the value

    Exclude all rows where the selected field column value ends with the specified characters.

    Example For example, exclude all rows where the "description" column ends with "0". 


    Wildcard at ending the end of the value

    Exclude all rows where the selected field column value starts with the specified characters.

    Example For example, exclude all rows where the "name" column starts with "D".


    Single character wildcard

    Exclude all rows where the selected field column value matches the specified rules

    Example For example, exclude all rows where the "description" column contains "T__0" (3rd & 4th character characters can be anything).


  • In


    "In" can be used for category filter where a specified column value matches any value of the provided list of

    values. The following is the list used:

    "In" Operation can be used to filter result results based on a list of specified values. For example, the following filters

    for "Item Name" that belongs belong to "Test Item 1" and "Test Item 3". 


    A ";" must be added in between items of specified value for it to work. (Item1;Item2;Item3)

    Image Added

    This will result in rows with type that matches the provided list of values. Resulting in the following:

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  • Not In

    titleNot In

    "Not In" is the inverse of "In", it filters out values that does do not match the provided list

    of values.

    The following is the list used:

    Image RemovedImage Added

    In this example, type of "Powdered" and "Glazeditem_name "Test Item 3" & "Test Item 1" are used.


    A ";" must be added in between items of specified value for it to work. (Item1;Item2;Item3)

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Resulting in:
    Image RemovedImage Added

  • Is True

    titleIs True

    The following is the list used:

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Example will return all row rows with specified column columns that is are true

    Image RemovedImage Added


    Image RemovedImage Added

  • Is False

    titleIs False

    The following is the list used:

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Example will return all row rows with specified column columns that is are false

    Image RemovedImage Added


    Image RemovedImage Added

  • Is Null

    titleIs Null

    Return row of a specified column value that is NULL

    The following is the list used:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    Example return rows with column "nameDescription" value that is NULL

    Image Removed


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    There are no NULL values in column "Description" resulting in:

    Image AddedImage Removed

  • Is Not Null

    titleIs Not Null

    Return row of a specified column value that is not NULL

    The following is the list used:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    Example return rows with column "nameDescription" value that is not NULL

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Image RemovedImage Added

ValueFilter value
Extra Conditions

Additional condition(s) for filtering the data set. HQL is expected here.

titleSyntax Query
Start your filter name with e.customProperties. followed by the field id (i.e. title)
titleHQL is accepted

You may even use an operator such as "LIKE" to narrow down your data set.

Code Block
e.customProperties.title = 'Trip'

A hash variable is accepted here.

Code Block
e.customProperties.submitted_by = ''

Userview Key can be used as part of the condition.

Code Block
e.customProperties.category_id = '#userviewKey#'

Aggregate Query

Figure 3: Advanced > Aggregrate Aggregate Query

Figure 4: The configurations shown in Figure 3 will produce the following sample result.

Group By

Add grouping clause/function to the eventual data set. This can be used together with Aggregate Fields above.

In figure Figure 3, the "amount" field will be summed up by "claimant", shown in per record row.

Aggregate Fields

This field will be displayed once any number of columns has been added into to the Group By field.

The select field is to aggregate.

  • Count
  • Count Distinct
  • Sum
  • Min
  • Max
  • Avg

In the sample screenshot above, the "amount" field will be put into the "Sum" function, and "Count" will be applied to the "title".

Having Conditions

This field will be displayed once any number of columns has been added into to the Group By field.

The HAVING clause enables you to specify conditions that filter which group results appear in the final results. The WHERE clause places conditions on the selected columns, whereas the HAVING clause places conditions on groups created by the GROUP BY clause. Read more at


Expression Columns

An additional column can be added in this expression columns column using Hibernate Query Language (HQL). This is especially useful when you need to perform additional computation on multiple columns.

Example 1 - Cast column to data type "long".

Code Block
CAST(price AS long)
Code Block
SUBSTRING(CAST(dateCreated as string),1,10)   // To extract the date from the datetime database column
Code Block
CAST(e.customProperties.sales_price AS long) - CAST(e.customProperties.price AS long)

Example 2 - Concatenate multiple columns into one.

Code Block
CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)
Code Block
first_name ||' '|| last_name
Custom Checkbox/Radio Button Value

Define custom record ID to be used to pass over to column action. Defaulted to ID.

Sample App

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