Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Plugin Properties Options allow a plugin to gather configuration data from a plugin user.
  • Plugin Properties Options should be returned in the abstract ตัวเลือกคุณสมบัติปลั๊กอินควรส่งคืนใน abstract method "getPropertyOptions" of each pluginของแต่ละปลั๊กอิน.


  • Plugin Properties Options are in ตัวเลือกคุณสมบัติปลั๊กอินอยู่ในรูปแบบ JSON format.
  • Plugin Properties Options is an array of Properties Page object
  • A Properties Page object has 2 mandatory attributes called "title" and "properties". It also has 2 optional attributes called "validators" and "buttons".


กล่องทำเครื่องหมาย (Check Box)

เครื่องมือแก้ไขโค้ด (Code Editor)

  • type ปรเภท : 'CodeEditorแก้ไขโค้ด'
  • mode โหมด : Optional, used for specified highlight mode. Default to 'text', available values are 'text', 'java', 'html', 'javascript', 'css', 'json', 'sql' and 'xml'.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Single Value Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.


  • Combine Grid is used to migrate 2 or more single value property fields from old version plugin (etc Text Field & Select Box) to multi values field in Grid View.
  • Combine Grid does not support 'value' attribute.
  • type ประเภท : 'GridCombine'
  • columns คอลัมน์ : A JSON array of 'column' JSON objects which has 2 mandatory 'key' & 'label' attributes and 2 optional 'required' & 'options' attribute. 
    • key คีย์ : Identifier of this column. This value need to be same with the field 'name' that need to migrate from single value field to multiple value field.
    • label : Label of the column header
    • options ตัวเลือก : Optional, an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes. A column with 'options' attribute will display the input field as select box.
    • required : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
    Code Block
    columns : [
        {key : 'key', label : 'Columns'}, 
        {key : 'value', label : 'Value', required: 'true'},
        {key : 'label', label : 'Label', required: 'true'},
        {key : 'width', label : 'Width', options:[
            {value : '10%', label : '10%'},
            {value : '20%', label : '20%'},
            {value : '30%', label : '20%'},
            {value : '40%', label : '20%'}
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Combine Grid Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.

Element Select Box

  • type ประเภท : 'ElementSelect'
  • url : A URL which will return Properties Options JSON object of the selected element. Built-in URL is "[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/property/json[APP_PATH]/getPropertyOptions" which will return the Properties Options JSON object of a plugin.
  • keep_value_on_change : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. Used to decide whether to keep the configuration of the properties options of previous selected element when a new element is selected.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Option Field Attributes for extra attributes.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Usually used for select a plugin and configure the properties of the selected plugin.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - ElementSelectBox on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.


  • type ประเภท : 'fileไฟล์',
  • appPath : '[APP_PATH]',
  • allowInput : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. Set to 'true' to allow custom link.
  • isPublic : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. Set to 'true' to auto set the permission to access by anonymous.
  • allowType : Optional, a string of file extension seperated (;). Example: ".jpeg;.jpg;.gif;.png".
  • maxSize ขนาดสูงสุด : Optional, integer value in string format. In kB.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Regular Express (Regex) Validation Attributes for extra attributes to do validation using regex.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Single Value Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.

Fixed Row Grid

  • type ประเภท : 'GridFixedRow'
  • columns คอลัมน์ : A JSON array of 'column' JSON objects which has 2 mandatory 'key' & 'label' attributes and 2 optional 'required' & 'options' attribute. 
    • key คีย์ : Identifier of this column.
    • label : Label of the column header
    • options ตัวเลือก : Optional, an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes. A column with 'options' attribute will display the input field as select box.
    • required : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
  • rows แถว : A JSON array of 'row' JSON Object with 'label' attribute and an optional 'required' attribute. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
    • label : Label of a row. Used to populate in the first column or every row.
    • required : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
  • value ค่า : A JSON array of grid row values in JSON Object format with all the 'key' attribute of 'column' object used as attribute.  
Code Block
columns : [
    {key : 'key', label : 'Columns'}, // first column will used to populate row label
    {key : 'value', label : 'Value', required: 'true'},
    {key : 'label', label : 'Label', required: 'true'},
    {key : 'width', label : 'Width', options:[
        {value : '10%', label : '10%'},
        {value : '20%', label : '20%'},
        {value : '30%', label : '20%'},
        {value : '40%', label : '20%'}
rows : [
    {label : 'Username', required: 'true'},
    {label : 'Status'},
    {label : 'Message'},
    {label : 'Date'}
value : [
    {label : 'Username'},
    {label : 'Status'},
    {label : 'Message', width : '20%'},
    {label : 'Date', value : 'dateCreated'}


  • type ประเภท : 'Grid'
  • columnsคอลัมน์ : A JSON array of 'column' JSON objects which has 2 mandatory 'key' & 'label' attributes and 2 optional 'required' & 'options' attribute. 
    • key คีย์ : Identifier of this column.
    • label : Label of the column header
    • optionsตัวเลือก : Optional, an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes. A column with 'options' attribute will display the input field as select box.
    • required : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
  • value ค่า : A JSON array of grid row values in JSON Object format with all the 'key' attribute of 'column' object used as attribute.  

    Code Block
    columns : [
        {key : 'value', label : 'Value', required: 'true'},
        {key : 'label', label : 'Label', required: 'true'},
        {key : 'width', label : 'Width', options:[
            {value : '10%', label : '10%'},
            {value : '20%', label : '20%'},
            {value : '30%', label : '20%'},
            {value : '40%', label : '20%'}
    value : [
        {label : 'Username', value : 'username'},
        {label : 'Status', value : 'status'},
        {label : 'Message', value : 'message', width : '20%'},
        {label : 'Date', value : 'dateCreated'}
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Grid Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.



  • type ประเภท : 'Headerส่วนหัว'
  • Header does not support 'value' and 'required' attributes.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • This field type is used for separate the fields into different groups. It is not use for capture data. 

ฟิลด์ซ่อน (Hidden Field)

HTML Editor



  • typeประเภท : 'file',
  • appPath : '[APP_PATH]',
  • allowInput : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. Set to 'true' to allow custom link.
  • isPublic : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. Set to 'true' to auto set the permission to access by anonymous.
  • allowType : Optional, a string of file extension seperated (;). Example: ".jpeg;.jpg;.gif;.png".
  • maxSize ขนาดสูงสุด : Optional, integer value in string format. In kB.
  • imageSize ขนาดภาพ : Optional, can be integer value in string format or a css expression. Example: '50' or "width:100px;height:70px;".
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Regular Express (Regex) Validation Attributes for extra attributes to do validation using regex.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Single Value Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.


Multi Select Box

ฟิลด์รหัสผ่าน (Password Field)

  • type ประเภท : 'Passwordรหัสผ่าน'
  • size ขนาด : Optional, integer value in string format. Default to '50'. Used to control the length of the input field.
  • maxlength ความยาวสูงสุด :  Optional, integer value in string format. Used to limit the number of characters can be enter in the input field. 
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Regular Express (Regex) Validation Attributes for extra attributes to do validation using regex.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Single Value Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.


ปุ่มตัวเลือก (Radio Button)

ฟิลด์ข้อความแบบอ่านอย่างเดียว (Readonly Text Field)

กล่องตัวเลือก (Select Box)

พื้นที่ข้อความ (Text Area)

  • type ประเภท : 'TextAreaพื้นที่ข้อความ'
  • rows แถว : Optional, integer value in string format. Default to '5'. Used to control the height of the input field.
  • cols คอลัมน์ : Optional, integer value in string format. Default to '50'. Used to control the length of the input field.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Regular Express (Regex) Validation Attributes for extra attributes to do validation using regex.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Single Value Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.


ฟิลด์ข้อความ (Text Field)

  • type ประเภท : 'TextFieldฟิลด์ข้อความ'
  • size ขนาด : Optional, integer value in string format. Default to '50'. Used to control the length of the input field.
  • maxlength ความยาวสูงสุด :  Optional, integer value in string format. Used to limit the number of characters can be enter in the input field. 
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Regular Express (Regex) Validation Attributes for extra attributes to do validation using regex.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
  • Refer to อ้างอิงถึง Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Single Value Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.
