Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hash Variables gives users greater flexibility and freedom in accessing useful information or relevant runtime values from the system.
A hash variable is a special hash-escaped keyword that can be used in
to return the value of some useful runtime variables from Joget components.
Available Hash Variables:-
Children Display |
Since version 3.0.3, a Hash Variable can be used inside another Hash Variable to form a Nested Hash Variable. The syntax for the inner Hash Variable is wrapped by a pair of curly bracket '{' and '}'.
Code Block |
#prefix.{prefix.variableKey}# |
Code Block |
Apart from all of existing Hash Variables supported in Joget version 2, there are some new hash variables supported in this new version 3.
Support language localization on application level.
Application level environment variable.
For accessing request parameters.
Retrieve currently logged in user information.