What are Hash Variables?
English |
Hash Variables give users greater flexibility and freedom in accessing useful information or relevant run-time values from the systemvariables in Joget are placeholders used to dynamically display data within applications. They allow users to insert dynamic content without hardcoding values, which enhances flexibility and customization. Hash variables can fetch and display data from various sources such as forms, workflows, and the system itself. They promote customization and flexibility by avoiding hardcoded values, ultimately improving the user-friendliness of Joget applications. |
A hash variable is a special hash-escaped keyword that can be used in :
Name | Description |
Prefix | userviewKey |
Description | Userview Key Hash Variable is used solely for the purpose of accessing the current UI key's value. Typical use case for this hash variable are:- - Filtering a List based on UI Key.
- Preloading certain form data field (e.g. subform) in a Form or Form part of a process flow based on UI Key.
Attributes | |
Scope of Use | |
Workflow Variable Hash Variable
Name | Description |
Prefix | datalist |
Description | To display the List records in a grid format in your form or email tool. |
Attributes | - #datalist.html.ID#
- #datalist.csv.ID#
- #datalist.json.ID#
- #datalist.size.ID# = Size returns only the number of records based on Datalist filter.
- #datalist.total.ID# = Total returns the record count regardless of Datalist filter.
- #datalist.col.csv.ID.column#
- #datalist.col.sum.ID.column#
- #datalist.col.avg.ID.column#
- #datalist.col.csv.ID.column[FILTER_PARAMETERS]#
- #datalist.col.sum.ID.column[FILTER_PARAMETERS]#
- #datalist.col.avg.ID.column[FILTER_PARAMETERS]#
Scope of Use | - All components within the App.
Sample Attributes | - #datalist.html.myDataList#
- #datalist.csv.ImyDataList#
- #datalist.col.sum.list_f1.column_0#
- #datalist.size.ImyDataList# = Size returns only size.ImyDataList# = Size returns only the number of records based on Datalist filter.
- #datalist.total.ImyDataList# = Total returns the record count regardless of Datalist filter.
- #datalist.html.myDataList[d-8015999-fn_name=James&d-6304176-fn_email=james@gmail.com]#
- #datalist.csv.myDataList[d-8015999-fn_name=James&d-6304176-fn_email=james@gmail.com]#
- #datalist.size.myDataList[d-8015999-fn_name=James&d-6304176-fn_email=james@gmail.com]#
- #datalist.total.myDataList[d-8015999-fn_name=James&d-6304176-fn_email=james@gmail.com]#
- #datalist.html.list_f1[d-1338250-fn_id={process.recordId}]#
- #datalist.html.listId[filterId={form.table.field[{envVariable.variableId}]}]#
Expression Hash Variable
** for "datalist.col.xx.ID.column" variables, the "column" parameter refers to the order of the column in the list starting from 0. hence, to refer to the first column in a list called list_f1, your hash variable would look like this : #datalist.col.sum.list_f1.column_0
** the column are counted from 0, and does not include the default checkbox included in list tables
Expression Hash Variable
Name | Description |
Prefix | exp |
Description | Mathematical and string operations on hash variables |
Attributes | #exp.variable# |
Scope of Use | - All components within the App.
Sample Attributes | Testing Values - #envVariable.num1# = 55
- #envVariable.num2# = 288
- #envVariable.
Name | Description |
Prefix | exp |
Description | Mathematical and string operations on hash variables |
Attributes | #exp.variable# |
Scope of Use | - All components within the App.
Sample Attributes | Testing Values - #envVariable.num1# = 55
- #envVariable.num2# = 288
- #envVariable.double1# = 123.45
- #envVariable.double2# = 246.78
- #envVariable.bool1# = true
- #envVariable.bool2# = false
- #envVariable.str1# = Hello World!
- #envVariable.str2# = Using Joget Hash Variables!
- #envVariable.empty# =
- #envVariable.hashVariable# = #assignment.processId#
Mathematical operators - #exp.{envVariable.num1} + {envVariable.num2}# = 343
- #exp.{envVariable.num1} - {envVariable.num2}# = -233
- #exp.{envVariable.double1} * {envVariable.double2}# = 30464.991
- #exp.{envVariable.num2} / {envVariable.num1}# = 5
- #exp.{envVariable.num1} % 7# = 6
- #exp.({envVariable.num1} + 2) * 2# = 114
- #exp.{envVariable.num1} + 2 * 2# = 59
- #exp.2 ^ 2# = 4
Logical operators - #exp.{envVariable.bool1} and {envVariable.bool2}# = false
- #exp.{envVariable.bool1} or {envVariable.bool2}# = true
- #exp.!{envVariable.bool1}# = false
Relational operators - #{envVariable.num1} gt {envVariable.num2}# = false
- #{envVariable.num1} ge {envVariable.num1}# = true
- #{envVariable.num1} lt {envVariable.num2}# = true
- #{envVariable.num1} le {envVariable.num1}# = true
- #{envVariable.num1} eq {envVariable.num1}# = true
- #{envVariable.num1} ne {envVariable.num1}# = false
Ternary Operator (If Else) - #exp.({envVariable.num1} lt {envVariable.num2})?{envVariable.num1}:{envVariable.num2}#= 55
- #exp.'{envVariable.empty?expression}'.isEmpty()?'empty':'has value'#= empty
String methods Note: Basically most of the String methods can be used, using `?expression` to escape single quote in value. - #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}' + ' ' + '{envVariable.str2?expression}'# = Hello World! Using Joget Hash Variables
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.substring(5)# = World!
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.toLowerCase()# = hello world!
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.toUpperCase()# = HELLO WORLD!
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.replace('world', 'there')# = Hello World!
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.replaceFirst('[a-z]', '*')# = H*llo World!
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.replaceAll('[a-z]', '*')# = H**** W****!
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.charAt(0)# = H
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.contains('World')# = true
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.equalsIgnoreCase('{envVariable.str1?expression}'.toLowerCase())# = true
- #exp.'{envVariable.empty?expression}'.isEmpty()# = true
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.indexOf('World')# = 6
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.lastIndexOf('World')# = 6
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.startsWith('H')# = true
- #exp.'{envVariable.str1?expression}'.endsWith('!')# = true
Custom Methods - #exp.$isParsed('{envVariable.hashVariable}')# = false
Math methods Note: All java.lang.Math methods can be used. - #exp.$sin(30)# = -0.9880316240928618
- #exp.$cos(30)# = 0.15425144988758405
- #exp.$tan(30)# = -6.405331196646276
- #exp.$asin(30)# = NaN
- #exp.$acos(30)# = NaN
- #exp.$atan(30)# = 1.5374753309166493
- #exp.$sinh(30)# = 5.343237290762231E12
- #exp.$cosh(30)# = 5.343237290762231E12
- #exp.$tanh(30)# = 1.0
- #exp.$abs(-7)# = 7.0
- #exp.$max(60,30)# = 60.0
- #exp.$min(60,30)# = 30
- #exp.$round(79.52)# = 80
- #exp.$sqrt(12)# = 3.4641016151377544
- #exp.$cbrt(81)# = 4.326748710922225
- #exp.$pow(4, 2)# = 16.0
- #exp.$signum(82.7)# = 1.0
- #exp.$ceil(82.7)# = 83.0
- #exp.$copySign(740.4, -29.1)# = -740.4
- #exp.$nextAfter(84352.24, 154.284)# = 84352.234
- #exp.$nextUp(744.93)# = 744.93005
- #exp.$nextDown(744.93)# = 744.9299999999998
- #exp.$floor(744.93)# = 744.0
- #exp.$floorDiv(25, 3)# = 8
- #exp.$random()# = 0.3988245190916774
- #exp.$rint(81.68)# = 82.0
- #exp.$hypot(8, 6)# = 10.0
- #exp.$ulp(8.1)# = 9.536743E-7
- #exp.$getExponent(50.45)# = 5
- #exp.$IEEEremainder(387.1, 4.2)# = 0.7000000000000064
- #exp.$addExact(469, 737)# = 1206
- #exp.$subtractExact(469, 737)# = -268
- #exp.$multiplyExact(469, 737)# = 345653
- #exp.$incrementExact(674)# = 675
- #exp.$decrementExact(674)# = 673
- #exp.$negateExact(674)# = -674
- #exp.$toIntExact(-829)# = -829
- #exp.$log(38.9)# = 3.6609942506244004
- #exp.$log10(38.9)# = 1.5899496013257077
- #exp.$log1p(26)# = 3.295836866004329
- #exp.$exp(2)# = 7.38905609893065
- #exp.$expm1(2)# = 6.38905609893065
- #exp.$toDegrees(5)# = 286.4788975654116
- #exp.$toRadians(180.0)# = 3.141592653589793
Panel |
borderColor | purple |
bgColor | white |
borderWidth | 1 |
titleBGColor | #ddccff |
borderStyle | solid |
title | New Feature |
This is a new feature in Joget DX 8. |
This is a new feature in Joget DX 8. |
Name | Description |
Prefix | uiListCount |
Description | The uiListCount hash variable is primarily utilized to retrieve the Datalist or Inbox menu count value. |
Attributes | - #uiListCount.MENU_ID#
- #uiListCount.UI_ID.MENU_ID#
Scope of Use | - All components within the App except UI Permission.
Warning |
uiListCount cannot be used inside UI permission. This is due to: 1. UI permission contains a uiListCount hash variable 2. uiListCount Hash requires UI to load to get the count 3. In order to load the UI design, the UI permission will be called. It goes back to step 1. (Will cause an infinite recursion that eventually returns a StackOverflow exception error : ERROR 15 May 2024 09:27:20 org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.error500_jsp - Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.StackOverflowError2org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.StackOverflowError Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError |
Name | Description |
Prefix | uiListCount |
Description | The uiListCount hash variable is primarily utilized to retrieve the Datalist or Inbox menu count value. |
Attributes | - #uiListCount.MENU_ID#
- #uiListCount.UI_ID.MENU_ID#
Scope of Use | All components within the App. |
Sample Attributes | See examples below, based on the usage within the default CRM application: - #uiListCount.MENU_ID# where MENU_ID is the id of the menu in your Userview for Datalist or Inbox (Example usage: "#uiListCount.proposal_inbox_list#")
- #uiListCount.UI_ID.MENU_ID# where UI_ID is the id of the Userview (Example usage: "#uiListCount.crm_userview_sales.proposal_inbox_list#")