Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
booleanpublic boolean authenticate(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
Method called to authenticate a particular User against the directory
public getDepartmentById(java.lang.String departmentId)
Method called to retrieve a specific Department by Department Id
public getDepartmentByName(java.lang.String name)
Method called to retrieve a specific Department by Department Name
public getDepartmentHod(java.lang.String departmentId)
Method called to return a specific HOD for a Department
Collection<Department>public java.util.Collection<> getDepartmentList()
Generic method called to retrieve all Departments within the directory
Collection<Department>public java.util.Collection<> getDepartmentList(java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve all Departments within the directory filtered by search parameters
Collection<Department> getDepartmentListByOrganization(String organizationId, public java.util.Collection<> getDepartmentListByOrganization(java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve all Departments within a specific Organization filtered by search parameters
public java.util.Collection<> getDepartmentsByOrganizationId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve all Departments within a specific Organization filtered by search parameters
public java.util.Collection<> getDepartmentsByParentId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String parentId, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve all sub Department within a specific Department filtered by search parameters
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getDepartmentUserByGradeId(java.lang.String departmentId, java.lang.String gradeId)
Method called to retrieve a listing of Users which belongs to a specified Department and Grade
public getParentDepartment(java.lang.String id)
Method called to retrieve a parent Department of a Department
public getParentDepartmentByName(java.lang.String name)
Method called to retrieve a parent Department of a Department by Department Name
public java.lang.Long getTotalDepartments(java.lang.String organizationId)
Method called to retrieve the number of Departments within the directory
public java.lang.Long getTotalDepartmentnsByOrganizationId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId)
Method called to retrieve the number of Departments within a specific Organization filtered by search parameters
public java.lang.Long getTotalDepartmentsByParentId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String parentId)
Method called to retrieve the number of sub Departments within a specific Department
public getEmployment(java.lang.String id)
Method called to retrieve a specific Employment info
public java.util.Collection<>Collection<Employment> getEmployments(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.String departmentId, java.lang.String gradeId, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve the users' employment info within the directory filtered by search parameters
public java.lang.Long getTotalEmployments(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.String departmentId, java.lang.String gradeId)
Method called to retrieve the number of users' employment info within the directory
public getGradeById(java.lang.String gradeId)
Method called to retrieve a specific Grade by Grade id
public getGradeByName(java.lang.String name)
Method called to retrieve a specific Grade by Grade Name
public java.util.Collection<>Collection<Grade> getGradeList()
Generic method called to retrieve all Grades within the directory
public java.util.Collection<> getGradesByOrganizationId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve all Grades within a specific Organization filtered by search parameters
public java.lang.Long getTotalGradesByOrganizationId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId)
Method called to retrieve the number of Grades within a specific Organization filtered by search parameters
public getGroupById(java.lang.String groupId)
Method called to retrieve a specific Group by id
public getGroupByName(java.lang.String groupName)
Method called to retrieve a specific Group by name
public java.util.Collection<> getGroupsByUserId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.Boolean inGroup, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve a collection of Group in/not in which a user belongs to and filtered by search parameters
public java.util.Collection<>Collection<Group> getGroupByUsername(java.lang.String username)
Method called to retrieve a collection of Group in which a user belongs to
Collection<Group>public java.util.Collection<> getGroupList()
Generic method called to retrieve the entire Group listing within the directory
Collection<Group>public java.util.Collection<> getGroupList(java.lang.String nameFilter, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve the entire Group listing within the directory filtered by search parameters
Collection<Group>public java.util.Collection<> getGroupsByOrganizationId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve all groups within a specific Organization filtered by search parameters
public java.lang.Long getTotalGroups()
Method call to retrieve the number of Groups available
public java.lang.Long getTotalGroupsByOrganizationId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId)
Method call to retrieve the number of Groups available within a specific Organization filtered by search parameters
public java.lang.Long getTotalGroupsByUserId(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.Boolean inGroup)
Method called to retrieve the number of Group in/not in which a user belongs to
public getOrganization(java.lang.String id)
Method called to retrieve a specific Organization by Id
public getOrganizationByName(String name)
Method called to retrieve a specific Organization by Name
public java.util.Collection<> getOrganizationsByFilter(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve all Organizations filtered by search parameters
public java.lang.Long getTotalOrganizationsByFilter(java.lang.String filterString)
Method called to retrieve the number of Organizations
public java.util.Collection<> getUserByDepartmentId(java.lang.Collection<User> getUserByDepartmentId(String departmentId)
Method called to retrieve a listing of Users by Department id
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserByGradeId(java.lang.String gradeId)
Method called to retrieve a listing of Users by Grade id
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserByGroupId(java.lang.String groupId)
Method called to retrieve a listing of Users by Group id
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserByGroupName(java.lang.String groupName)
Method called to retrieve a listing of Users by Group name
public getUserById(java.lang.String userId)
Method called to retrieve a specific User by User id
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserByOrganizationId(java.lang.String organizationId)
Method called to retrieve a listing of Users by Organization id
public getUserByUsername(java.lang.String username)
Method called to retrieve a specific User by Username
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserList()
Generic method called to retrieve the entire User listing within the directory
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserList(java.lang.String nameFilter, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve the entire User listing within the directory filtered by search parameters
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUsers(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.String departmentId, java.lang.String gardeId, java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String roleId, java.lang.String active, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve the users within the directory filtered by search parameters
public java.lang.Long getTotalUsers()
Method called to retrieve the number of Users available
public java.lang.Long getTotalUsers(java.lang.String filterString, java.lang.String organizationId, java.lang.String departmentId, java.lang.String gardeId, java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String roleId, java.lang.String active)
Method call to retrieve the number of Users available within the directory filtered by search parametersisUserInGroup
public booleanboolean isUserInGroup(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String groupName)
Method called to check if a User belongs to a specific Group
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserDepartmentUser(java.lang.String username)
Method called to retrieve a listing of Users which belongs to the same Department as the specific Username
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserHod(java.lang.String username)
Method called to retrieve a listing of HODs in which a specific User reports to
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUserSubordinate(java.lang.String username)
Method called to retrieve a listing of all the subordinates which reports to a specific User
Collection<User>public java.util.Collection<> getUsersSubordinate(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String sort, java.lang.Boolean desc, java.lang.Integer start, java.lang.Integer rows)
Method called to retrieve a listing of all the subordinates which reports to a specific User filtered by search parameters
public java.lang.Long getTotalUsersSubordinate(java.lang.String username)
Method called to retrieve the number of subordinates which reports to a specific User
Collection<Role>public java.util.Collection<> getUserRoles(java.lang.String username)
Method called to retrieve the Roles belonging to a specific User by Username
Used by System to retrieve a directory manager implementation
public getUserSecurity()
Method to return a UserSecurity implementation to enhance the user security
public java.lang.String getPropertyOptions()
Get JSON property options to embed into the property options of Directory Manager Plugin
public void setProperties(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object> properties)
Set properties to use in User Security Implementation
public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object> getProperties()
Get properties to use in User Security Implementation
public java.lang.Boolean getDisableHashLogin()
Disable Hash Login?
public java.lang.Boolean getAllowSessionTimeout()
Allow Session Timeout?
public java.lang.Boolean getForceSessionTimeout()
Force Session Timeout?
public java.lang.Boolean getAuthenticateAllApi()
Authenticate all API?
public java.lang.String encryptPassword (java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
Encrypt Password with custom methodology
public java.lang.Boolean verifyPassword ( user, java.lang.String password)
Verify Password with custom methodology.
public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> passwordPolicies ()
To get a set of password policies to display in user profile form.
public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> validatePassword (java.lang.String username, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword, java.lang.String confirmPassword)
To validate password format and validity.
Return Collection of error message String.
public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> validateUserOnInsert( user)
To validate user before insert to database
Return Collection of error message String.
public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> validateUserOnUpdate( user)
To validate user before updating
Return Collection of error message String.
public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> validateUserOnProfileUpdate( user)
To validate user before updating profile
Return Collection of error message String.
public void insertUserPostProcessing( user)
Processing after a user is added.
public void updateUserPostProcessing( user)
Processing after a user is modified.
public void updateUserProfilePostProcessing( user)
Processing after a user profile is updated.
public void passwordResetPostProcessing( user)
Processing after a user password is reset.
public void deleteUserPostProcessing(java.lang.String username)
Processing after a user is deleted.
public java.lang.String getLoginFormFooter()
HTML to add below login form
public java.lang.String getUserCreationFormFooter()
HTML to add below user creation form
public java.lang.String getUserEditingFormFooter( user)
HTML to add below user editing form
public java.lang.String getUserProfileFooter( user)
HTML to add below user profile form
public java.lang.String getUserDetailsButtons( user)
HTML to extend user details page button
public void loginPreProcessing( user, java.lang.String password)
Processing before user login authentication
public void loginPostProcessing( user, java.lang.String password, java.lang.Boolean loggedIn)
Processing after user login authentication.
public void requestPostProcessing()
Processing after HTTP Request Completed.
public boolean isDataExist(java.lang.String username)
Check whether a custom security data is exist for a user.