Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Predefined variable with value for template usage template.
Data Type
NameTemplateData TypeDefault ValueDescription
base_link -java.lang.String   Base URL of current Userview
body_classes   layout.ftljava.lang.String 

Used by system to add the following CSS classes and current locale code as CSS class to <body> tag.

embeded - When userview is in embed mode.

rtl - When System setting set display from right to left or language set to Arabic.


body_id layout.ftljava.lang.String   Use current userview menu page Id or Custom Id as <body> tag id
build_number -java.lang.String   Joget build number
categories_container_id   menus.ftljava.lang.Stringcategory-containerId of the container which contains all menu categories 
categories_container_classes   menus.ftljava.lang.Stringnav nav-tabs nav-stacked main-menuCSS classes of the container which contains all menu categories 
category_classes   menus.ftljava.lang.StringcategoryCSS classes of menu category 
combine_single_menu_category menus.ftl boolean falseFlag to display the only menu in a category to replace the category as 1st level menu. 
content contentContainer.ftljava.lang.String   Main content of the current page. Content from the Userview Menu or login form.
content_container layout.ftljava.lang.String   Value from theme getContentContainer method
content_id   contentContainer.ftljava.lang.StringcontentId of content container 
context_path login.ftljava.lang.String   Context Path of the Joget Server URL
css head.ftljava.lang.String   Value from theme getCss method
current_category_classes   menus.ftljava.lang.Stringcurrent-category activeExtra CSS classes for current menu category 
current_menu_classes   menus.ftljava.lang.Stringcurrent activeExtra CSS classes for current menu 
embed contentContainer.ftl boolean  Flag to decide whether userview is needed to display in embed mode
fav_icon_link head.ftljava.lang.String  Value from theme getFavIconLink  method
first_category_classes   menus.ftljava.lang.StringfirstExtra CSS classes for first menu category  
menus.ftljava.lang.StringfirstExtra CSS classes for first menu in the menu category
footerlayout.ftljava.lang.String Value from theme getFooter method
headlayout.ftljava.lang.String Value from theme getHead method
headerlayout.ftljava.lang.String Value from theme getHeader methodheader    
hide_nav contentContainer.ftl boolean falseFlag to hide navigator 



java.lang.String   URL to the userview home page menu
is_logged_in header.ftl boolean  Flag to decide whether there is a logged in user
is_login_page - boolean  Whether or not the current page is a login form page
joget_header head.ftljava.lang.String   Additional HTML template injected by system to the header
joget_footer layout.ftljava.lang.String   Additional HTML template injected by system to the footer
js head.ftljava.lang.String  Value from theme getJs method
js_css_lib head.ftljava.lang.String  Value from theme getJsCssLib method
last_category_classes   menus.ftljava.lang.StringlastExtra CSS classes for last menu category  
last_menu_classes    menus.ftljava.lang.StringlastExtra CSS classes for last menu in the menu category
localelayout.ftljava.lang.String Current language code of the systemlocale    
login_error_classes   login.ftljava.lang.Stringform-errors alert alert-warningCSS classes for login error message container 
login_exception login.ftljava.lang.String   To keep exception message when a login attempt failure.
login_form_after login.ftljava.lang.String   Value from "Custom HTML (After Login Form)" under Userview Builder - Settings
login_form_beforelogin.ftljava.lang.String   Value from "Custom HTML (Before Login Form)" under Userview Builder - Settings  
login_form_footer login.ftljava.lang.String   HTML template retrieved from DirectoryUtil.getLoginFormFooter(). Used by User Security Implementation.
login_link header.ftljava.lang.String   URL to the login form
logout_link header.ftljava.lang.String   URL to log out from userview
main_container_id   contentContainer.ftljava.lang.StringmainCSS classes for the main container 
menus contentContainer.ftl   Value from theme getMenus method
menu_classes   menus.ftljava.lang.StringmenuCSS classes for the menu 
menus_container_classes    menus.ftljava.lang.Stringmenu-containerCSS classes for the container which contains menus
metashead.ftljava.lang.String Value from theme getMetas methodmetas    
nav_id   menus.ftljava.lang.StringnavigationId of the navigator container 
nav_classes   menus.ftljava.lang.Stringnav-collapse sidebar-navCSS classes of the navigator container 
params -java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>   Received Request Parameters
title head.ftljava.lang.String   Userview name and the current menu label
right_to_left - boolean  Flag to decide whether or not userview need to display from right to left
sidebar_id   contentContainer.ftljava.lang.StringsidebarId of the sidebar container 
user   Current logged in User object
username -java.lang.String   Current logged in username

header.ftl, footer.ftl,

menus.ftl, login.ftl

org.joget.apps.userview.model.Userview Userview object which using this theme 




How to use and override V5 template


Plugin Properties Options


  • Not available right now

Related Community Plugins

Reuse the predefined template

  • To reuse the predefined template, just override the theme method and set your custom HTML to the available variable of the template.
  • Example: To reuse the header.ftl template in getHeader method.
Code Block
    public String getHeader(Map<String, Object> data) {
        data.put("header_classes", "navbar");
        data.put("header_inner_before", "<div class=\"navbar-inner\"><div class=\"container-fluid\">");
        data.put("header_inner_after", "</div></div>");
        data.put("header_info_after", "<a id=\"mobile_menu\" class=\"btn btn-navbar\"><span class=\"icon-bar\"></span><span class=\"icon-bar\"></span><span class=\"icon-bar\"></span></a>");
        data.put("header_link_classes", "brand");
        data.put("header_info_classes", "inline-block");
        data.put("header_name_classes", "inline-block");
        data.put("header_description_classes", "inline-block visible-desktop");
        data.put("header_description_span_classes", "brand");
        return super.getHeader(data);

Override or replace the predefined template

  • To override or replace the predefined template, you just need to create your own template using FreeMaker syntax.
  • Example: Using a custom template file in getHeader method.
Code Block
    public String getHeader(Map<String, Object> data) {
        return UserviewUtil.getTemplate(this, data, "/templates/userview/customHeader.ftl");

Plugin Properties Options


Related Community Plugins

  • Corporati Theme
    org.joget.plugin.enterprise.CorporatiTheme (wflow-core)
  • V3 Default Theme
    org.joget.apps.userview.lib.DefaultTheme (wflow-core)Not available right now