Versions Compared


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 备份 您的文件和数据. 如果您升级自v3, 请注意 v4 以后的安全性升级,请参考 v4 Compatibility .


升级Joget Workflow


Do not upgrade directly in a production server without prior testing未经测试, 请勿直接升级.

titleNote on Upgrading on Joget Workflow v5 to v6

Although in default bundle of 虽然 Joget Workflow v6 安装包, it is shipped together with 默认使用 Apache Tomcat 8.5 and 和 Java 8, it is possible for one to run Joget Workflow v6 in Joget Workflow v5's bundle of  Joget Workflow v6 也能运行在 Apache Tomcat 8 and Java 7. It is recommended to use the newer version as it offers better performance and bug fixes.推荐您使用最新的版本.

  1. 从安装文件中获取最新的 Locate the new jw.war and  和 jwdesigner.war files from either the 文件:
    1. Downloadable Installers下载安装包 (in the /apache-tomcat-x.x.x/webapps directory目录下); or 
    2. The Enterprise Support Site for Enterprise Software Subscribers.
    3. 或 
    4. 企业版支持系统 (企业版订购者).
  2. 停止Apache Stop Apache Tomcat / Joget.
  3. Backup the existing installation data (Please refer to 备份现有数据 (请参考 Joget Workflow Deployment Best Practices)
  4. Delete the existing jw.warjwdesigner.warjw and jwdesigner directories in 删除当前 "[Joget Installation Directory]/apache-tomcat-x.x.x/webapps" 目录中的 jw.warjwdesigner.warjw 和 jwdesigner 
  5. Delete the Apache Tomcat working directories 删除Apache Tomcat 工作目录缓存 i.e. the "jw" and "jwdesigner" directories in "[Joget Installation Directory]/apache-tomcat-x.x.x/work/Catalina/localhost".
  6. Copy the new 复制最新的 jw.war and jwdesigner.war files into the Apache Tomcat webapps directory  文件到 "[Joget Installation Directory]/apache-tomcat-x.x.x/webapps".(注:v5以后的版本, jwdesigner.war不是必须的,可以不作升级)
  7. Start 启动 Apache Tomcat / Joget Workflow.
