What are Hash Variable?
English |
Hash Variables gives users greater flexibility and freedom in accessing useful information or relevant run-time values from the system. |
A hash variable is a special hash-escaped keyword that can be used in :
Code Block |
#form.table.users?separator(, )# |
Hash Variable Return Values
- If the record does not exist, "#form.table.field#" returns the same = "#form.table.field#". Use the ternary operator ( condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse ) to check and set to NULL if the return value matches the origin hash variable (if used in BeanShell or Javascript).
- If record exist but field is empty, "#form.table.field#" returns empty = "".
- If record exist and field has value "abc", "#form.table.field#" returns the value = "abc".
Name | Description |
Prefix | form |
Description | To get field value from form table. |
Attributes | - #form.tableName.fieldId #
- #form.tableName.fieldId[recordId]# (Available in v3.1 and above)) where "recordid" is a reserved variable used by Joget to retrieve the subform's id.
Scope of Use | - In a Process Tool part of a Process.
- In a Form.
- In a process design.
Sample Attributes | #form.registrationtableName.registeredDate# // will Will use the current record ID
#form.registrationtableName.registeredDate[ 0001 ]# // Where 0001 is the record ID to seek for
Form Binder Hash Variable
Name | Description |
Prefix | datalist |
Description | To display the datalist records in a grid format in your form or email tool. |
Attributes | - #datalist.html.ID#
- #datalist.csv.ID#
- #datalist.size.ID# = Size returns only the number of records based on Datalist filter.
- #datalist.total.ID# = Total returns the record count regardless of Datalist filter.
Scope of Use | - All components within the App.
Sample Attributes | - #datalist.html.myDataList#
- #datalist.csv.ImyDataList#
- #datalist.size.ImyDataList# = Size returns only the number of records based on Datalist filter.
- #datalist.total.ImyDataList# = Total returns the record count regardless of Datalist filter.
- #datalist.html.myDataList[d-8015999-fn_name=James&d-6304176-fn_email=james@gmail.com]#
- #datalist.csv.myDataList[d-8015999-fn_name=James&d-6304176-fn_email=james@gmail.com]#
- #datalist.size.myDataList[d-8015999-fn_name=James&d-6304176-fn_email=james@gmail.com]#
- #datalist.total.myDataList[d-8015999-fn_name=James&d-6304176-fn_email=james@gmail.com]#
- #datalist.html.list_f1[d-1338250-fn_id={process.recordId}]#
- #datalist.html.listId[filterId={form.table.field[{envVariable.variableId}]}]#