Hey experts,

I have a problem here which is, let say A login and submit the form. Then, B have to login and approve the A submitted form to proceed to the next step.

But, when I login as B. I see the inbox empty. Do joget have something like userlevel or anything that can solve my problem?

Here some screenshoot that I provide.

  • No labels


  1. you should go to Map participants to User Tab then Map User A as Retail and User B as CCD.

  2. Hi Ardi Priasa, 

    Thanks for your response :)

    Tried, but still the same result that I get. Help

  3. please add router after raise issue activity.

    1. I did change that. Thanks so much Ardi :) 

      Okay, I have a case here. If I want to 'bring' value to the next form which is automatically hold the value from the previous form. What should I do? By creating workflow variable?

      Let say, There are two category. 'Product' and 'Service'. User select 'Product' from Form A then I want Form B to show that the selected category is 'Product' to proceed to the sub of selected category. Hope you can help.

      Sorry for my English. 



  4. Form A and B using the same table?

    if yes, you need to create field at Form B which the field ID is similiar with field ID at Form A.

    example :

    Form A:TextField Product No.(field ID = productNo)

    Form B: TextField Product Reference(field ID = productNo)

    if no, using workflow variable or plugin to load value.

    1. Same table. Thanks Ardi. I will try this :)

  5. Hey Ardi. Why the console show this? And, the form didn't show up. 

    1. Can I see the Form and workflow ? because I cant reproduce your problem.


      Ardi Priasa

        1. Hi there,

          Just a note here. Your design is incorrect.

          Your flow will end prematurely at "Raise Issues / CCF Form" if status is not Open. And if status is Open, it will never reach "Review and Verify CCF Verify Form".


          1. So, the status = "Open" should be before I raise the issues? I need the status in every stage as user can know they at which stage. 

            Thanks for noticed this hugo :)

          2. Done. Thanks Hugo. Now, the inbox work :) Oh..happy!

  6. Good morning :)

    I need some feedback here.


  7. Hi Suliss,

    check your variable name in TextField and workflow?

    maybe you don't put it in textfield value check it maybe work.

    best regard

    1. Hello Muhannad,

      I do check all the variable name all. Nothing wrong. 

      But, my form ID is different. Some of my form start with CRF_001 while the other start with CFV_001

      This might effect the flow no? Try many time I still get the same result.  

      1. Hello Suliss,

        Can I see the your Forms comptaint submitted, CCD Feedback Category, FAB Issue Update? because I cant reproduce your problem.


        1. Form : Complaint Submitted

          ID : CFF_009

          Form : CCD Verification

          ID : CFV_001

          Sub-form of CCD Verification.

          Form : CCD Feedback Category
          ID : CFV_002

          Form : FAB Issue Update 

          ID : CRF_001

          Sub-form of FAB Issue Update.

          Form : FAB Rectification

          ID : CRF_002

          Thanks Muhannad :)
          Help me on this please. Try so many time but still failed to show up the form. 

  8. have you setting field status as workflow variable?

    please refer to http://dev.joget.org/community/display/FORUM/workflow+variable

  9. I mean, when you create form and add text field.

    please watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA7tyu0HD-Y joget workflow part 2.form builder

    1. Ya. I do. But, hidden field


  10. Status : open, verify and rectification

    Only show 'open' cause I still can't access Verify and rectification form.