
can joget be upgraded to Spring 3.X.X version?



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  1. I'd also be interested to know from the Joget core developers if there is a plan to migrate to Spring 3.x.x in version 4. Spring 3 supports a bunch of features that would make life easier for integrating with other modern products.

    If not, has anyone had experience doing this? Were there any major problems?

    1. Hi guys,

      Actually there are no plans to migrate to Spring 3.x.x at the moment.

      We've actually tried to look at it some time back, but found that there's quite a significant bit of effort needed. Essentially, most of the effort is needed to kinda rewrite the Controller classes.

      So we put that on the back-burner to focus on providing more value to the platform, hence the new v4 mobile, app center, quick edit, etc. You might wanna check out the new stuff over at http://www.joget.org/joget-workflow-v4/ if you haven't already.

      We might have a look at Spring 3 again in future, but it's not a priority right now. If there's a community driven effort to do this, then that would be great ;)