
I need to send an email to a user notice that he have a task in the workflow.  The user can be modified of the mapping.

Thank you =)

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  1. You can configure SMTP settings in User Notification Plugin (Settings > Manage Plugins). Once configured, all users will be notified upon getting any new task.

  2. Hello,

    I wanted to send an email to user who will be the participant of the next process (one that isn't completed yet). I wanted to configure it specifically so wanted to use the Email Plugin. When I try and use the "To (participant ID)" box and put in the ID of the participant of the process in particular (divisional_director) I receive the following error?

    ERROR 30 May 2011 16:53:02 org.joget.plugin.email.EmailPlugin$1  - org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: At least one receiver address required
    org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: At least one receiver address required
            at org.apache.commons.mail.Email.buildMimeMessage(Email.java:1056)
            at org.apache.commons.mail.MultiPartEmail.buildMimeMessage(MultiPartEmail.java:254)
            at org.apache.commons.mail.Email.send(Email.java:1162)
            at org.joget.plugin.email.EmailPlugin$1.run(EmailPlugin.java:146)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

    When I don't use the Participant ID and use Hash variables in the 'To (specific email)' field it works great on processes that have already been completed. It is just this one I can't figure out. Do you know what I could be doing wrong?

    Thanks for your help


    1. Hi Luke,

      Is 'divisional_director' a Participant ID or a Username? The field "To (participant ID)" takes in actual Participant IDs that you create in Workflow Designer (participant swim lanes). To check the Participant ID for a particular Participant, hover your mouse over the name of the Participant name in the "Participant Mapping" Tab on the "Update Process" page. When the mouse is over the Participant name, a pop up window will display the actual Participant ID. Copy this into the Email Plugin, and the participant(s) mapped will receive the email.

      I hope this helps!


      1. Hi Sam,

        Thanks for your help but I am quite sure it is a Participant ID I am using. I will attach some screen shots as maybe I am mistaken. Thanks for your help.

        1. Hi Luke,

          I notice that you've mapped divisional_director as the HOD of the previous activity's performer. At the point this email plugin executes, has the previous activity actually run? To test that the participant ID field works, I'd first map the Participant to a specific group or user first, just to verify that it's working, and not caused by some other parameter. At the same time, make sure that you've keyed in an email address for the particular user.

          I hope this helps.


          1. Hi Sam,

            In the example I am using the previous activity has just completed. Though as you suggested I assigned the previous activity's participant to a specific user and assigned the participant of the divisional_director to a specific user as well. I have checked the email address and it is fine as that email box is receiving emails via the User Notification Plugin.

            The error I receive now is:

            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
            Caused by: javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal address in string ``''
                    at javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress.<init>(InternetAddress.java:94)
                    at org.apache.commons.mail.Email.createInternetAddress(Email.java:514)
                    ... 102 more

            Thanks for your help


            1. Hi Luke,

              Just to confirm with you, the exact plugin configuration works, if you placed an email address in the "To (specific email address)" field (and nothing else), so that we have a working baseline of the plugin. I usually like to create a baseline condition at first, then try out the 'parsing' efforts subsequently.



              1. Hi Sam,

                Yes placing an email address in the "To(specific email address)" works fine and I can even put a hash variable in the "To(specific email address)" and it works fine. It is only when I use the Participant ID it fails.



                1. Hi Luke,

                  I can't see anything wrong, at this point. I'd be happy to go through your package to check for any irregularities. It's easier with the package, instead of screenshots.



                  1. Hi Sam,

                    Thanks for your help. How would I allow you to look at the package?



                    1. Hi Luke,

                      In your particular manage process page, you can find "Export package" button. You may export out your package this way and share it out in the forum.

                      1. Hi Sam and Hugo,

                        Thanks for your help. Apologies for taking so long to get back to you. It looks the issue was in relation to the what the participant was mapped to. I have changed it to Performer(Submit Staff Request)'s HOD which is what I was going for really and it works fine. I probably should have tried that in the first place.

                        Thanks for your help
