Hi everybody,

   I wanted to ask that is it possible to import a custom java object in Joget? I am a bit confused on this.

 Any help would be highly appriciated.


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  1. Hi Chait, why not you share with us your use case? So that we can possibly help you to give better suggestion.

    1. Hi Tiensoon,

        Can we add JSON API in our existing Java project? Sorry for my silly question.


      1. Hi Chait,

        We don't need to add JSON API into Java project. But you can call JSON API from Java classes. For example, the HttpClient wrapper is an easier way of calling JSON REST from Java.

        Alternatively, if you are building a Web application, you can also call JSON from JavaScript (using jQuery) for example.

        1. Hi Tiensoon,

             I am not getting you. Can you give me a simple example for how can we call 

          JSON API from Java classes? Also, is there any disadvantage in calling JSON API

          in my Java project?


  2. Also, please give an example of how we can use JSON API in java program.

    Is the design of using JSON API is like this:

    Java Code including JSON API  ---------------> Joget workflow process -------------> output to Java 

    code printing result.

    This is very simple design I have thought of. I don't know if its correct. Please help me on this. I

    am very confused.


    1. Hi Chait,

      Joget JSON API are list of API calls which have the functionality of process/package related stuffs that can be performed in the Joget workflow engine (refer JSON API). You can use these calls in your own application for performing workflow activities that you have developed in Joget Engine, say for example you can list down the processes available, history of tasks, starting a process, etc. sample usage is available in Sample Usage.

      If you are looking for something like using some user defined functionality/custom functionality try Developing Custom plugins. And deploy them to Joget engine and add them to the workflow where you need it.

      Hope this would help you.



      1. Hi Vignesh,

            Thanks for replying. That really helped. But as per Tiensoon, we do not have to use

        JSON API in Java project and we can call it from Java classes.

        What does that mean? How can we do that? Can you give me an example?


        1. Hi Chait,

          JSON API calls are just call which is made to that particular URL and in turn it will return a JSON object, which will contain the result set in JSON format (i think you first need to go through JSON Tutorial and examples in Examples).

          I have attached a simple snippet (getProcessName.txt) that contains a method that I have used in my application which will return the list of processes available.

          You can play with other JSON calls in the similar way according to your requirement.

          Hope this would help you better.



          1. Thanks Vignesh that was really helpful.