When i installed V3 beta i realized there are no plugins packed with that version. When i tried to install some there are none being shown in  System Settings>Manage Plugins

is it so or am i doing something wrong?

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  1. Hi Olinto,

    There are changes in the v3 plugin architecture, it supports 16 types of plugins now. But no, the Process Tools (known as Application Plugins in v2) are not missing from v3 Beta. In the new architecture, plugin JARs can be packaged together with Joget Workflow application (jw.war).

    If you design a process that has a Tool element in the workflow, you can open the "Map Tools to Plugins" tab in the process page in Workflow Management Console, and you will see 4 Process Tools listed, when you try to map a Tool to a Plugin.

    1. BeanShell
    2. Database
    3. Email
    4. JSON

    But ya, do agree with you on the confusion in the Manage Plugins page. Will note down this usability issue,

    1. Hi Tiensoon,

      We have developed a User Management plugin (directory manager) to maintain our authentication and mapping stuffs. I just want to know whether any change wud be required if I want to use it in V3.



      1. Hi Vignesh, you may read up about v3 plugins from this documentation.

  2. IDGenerator

    Is this Plugin missing or is it not longer needed ?

    In Forms there ist a new Field IDGeneratorField, but I couldn't get it working.

    thanks for help.



    1. Hi Ralf,

      There's a Sample and Reference Apps in the KB with a working example of the IDGeneratorField.

      Hope this helps!