Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Joget DX uses Glowroot for Java APM, so you need to add a new argument in the startup script, example below:
set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx768M -Dwflow.home=./wflow/ -javaagent:./wflow/aspectjweaver-1.8.5.jar -javaagent:./wflow/glowroot/glowroot.jar
Install Joget DX in a temporary folder and copy the whole content of folder "\wflow\glowroot\*" to your new Joget "\wflow\" folder.
Do also note the higher default maximum memory allocation pool for the JVM in "-Xmx768M". Joget DX requires more heap space and if your server has the additional RAM, do allocate more "-Xmx" memory for better performance.
Default Joget DX installation is running on "jre11.0.2". However Joget DX can still run on Java 8.
The upgrade steps are as follows if you are upgrading to Joget DX in v5 or v6 folders:
Backup your Joget v6 files and v6 database.
Make the above changes in startup script and Glowroot folders.
Delete ".\apache-tomcat-8.5.41\work\*" folder.
Delete ".\apache-tomcat-8.5.41\webapps\jw" folder and jw.war file.
Copy Joget DX "jw.war" file into ".\apache-tomcat-8.5.41\webapps\".
Edit ".\wflow\" to point to your existing v6 database.
Start Joget Apache Tomcat and monitor the joget.log.
Tip: To save time in the initial DX testing, you can delay the copying of the "./wflow/app_formuploads" folder (may have too many files) and "./wflow/app_plugins" folder (to first test Joget DX with zero custom plugin) until after everything is running smoothly.
Backup your Joget v6 database or clone it for Joget DX use (Joget DX will automatically create the new tables and fields it needs).
Install Joget DX in a new folder using the Windows or Linux Installer.
Copy over all files from v6 ".\wflow\*" to the same folder in Joget DX.
Ensure Joget DX can access the v6 database (check the "" settings).
Edit the "./apache-tomcat-8.5.41/conf/server.xml" if you wish to run Joget DX on a different port.
Edit to set a higher "-Xmx" memory setting in startup script "joget-start.bat or .sh".
Start Joget Apache Tomcat and monitor the joget.log.
Lastly, you can download and install new plugins specially for Joget DX from to try out.
With the old record ID of "[seq#]_appid_process1" which is the same format as the process ID, it was easy for users to access other process records by just incrementing the process seq number in the browser URL and viewing records not belonging to them.
You can revert Joget DX to use sequential process id numbering via the new option in "General Settings > Run Process Primary Key".
Here is a process id related checklist if you are migrating apps from v5 or v6 to Joget DX:
In Beanshell, have two separate variables to store the @processId@ and @recordId@ at the top of your code:
RecordId contains the UUID primary key (id). This is used when you have to query or update the process database table using SQL syntax.
ProcessId is used when you are using Joget methods to manipulate the process data.
See an example app using RecordId in BeanShell code at "Multiple Approval App For Joget
DX": .Similarly, if you use process Database Update Tool where SQL is included, ensure you replace any "where id = '#assignment.processId#' " with "where id = '#process.recordId#' ".
If your forms (that are used in processes) has subform or Ajax subform with references to the parent form id stored in a hidden field, ensure you initialize the hidden field with the "#process.recordId#" hash and not the "#process.processId#".
The apps that has zero BeanShell or SQL in JDBC calls should have no issues running on Joget DX. Nevertheless, please thoroughly test all older apps if you are migrating them to Joget DX.
Related Documentation:
Refer to the following links to configure your Nginx to proxy WebSocket:
Here is a simple sample configuration:
server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; location /jw/web/applog/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/jw/web/applog/; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; } location / { proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/; } }
<Proxy balancer://wscluster> BalancerMember ws://tomcat1:8181 route=node01 BalancerMember ws://tomcat2:8282 route=node02 Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> ProxyPass /jw/web/applog balancer://wscluster/jw/web/applog stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid ProxyPassReverse /jw/web/applog balancer://wscluster/jw/web/applog