Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
In this tutorial, we will follow the guideline for developing a plugin to develop our Slack Webhook Tool plugin. Please also refer to the very first tutorial How to develop a Bean Shell Hash Variable for more details steps.
We want to send message to Slack when something is completed in Joget Workflow.
We will develop a Process Tool & Post Form Submission Processing Plugin to send message to Slack.
To develop a Slack Webhook Tool plugin, we will consider providing the parameters available in Slack Incoming Webhook as our plugin input.
When the tool is execute, a message will send to Slack based on the configuration.
We can use slack-webhook library to integrate with Slack.
We need to always have our Joget Workflow Source Code ready and builded by following this guideline.
The following tutorial is prepared with a Macbook Pro and the Joget Source Code is version 5.0.1. Please refer to the Guideline for developing a plugin article for other platform commands.
Let's say our folder directory is as follows.
- Home - joget - plugins - jw-community -5.0.1
The "plugins" directory is the folder we will create and store all our plugins and the "jw-community" directory is where the Joget Workflow Source code is stored.
Run the following command to create a maven project in "plugins" directory.
cd joget/plugins/ ~/joget/jw-community/5.0.1/wflow-plugin-archetype/ org.joget slack_webhook 5.0.1
Then, the shell script will ask us to key in a version number for the plugin and ask us for a confirmation before it generates the maven project.
Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 5.0.0 [INFO] Using property: package = org.joget Confirm properties configuration: groupId: org.joget artifactId: slack_webhook version: 5.0.0 package: org.joget Y: : y
We should get a "BUILD SUCCESS" message shown in our terminal and a "slack_webhook" folder created in the "plugins" folder.
Open the maven project with your favourite IDE. I will be using NetBeans.
Create a "SlackWebhookTool" class under "org.joget" package. Then, extend the class with org.joget.plugin.base.DefaultApplicationPlugin abstract class. Please refer to Process Tool & Post Form Submission Processing Plugin. We will need to implement org.joget.plugin.base.PluginWebSupport interface class as well to provide a send test message button in plugin properties page. Please refer to Web Service Plugin.
As usual, we have to implement all the abstract methods. We will using AppPluginUtil.getMessage method to support i18n and using constant variable MESSAGE_PATH for message resource bundle directory.
Now, we have to create a UI for admin user to provide inputs for our plugin. In getPropertyOptions method, we already specify our Plugin Properties Options definition file is located at "/properties/slackWebhookTool.json". Let us create a directory "resources/properties" under "slack_webhook/src/main" directory. After creating the directory, create a file named "slackWebhookTool.json" in the "properties" folder.
In the properties definition options file, we will need to provide options as below. Please note that we can use "@@message.key@@" syntax to support i18n in our properties options.
[{ title : '@@SlackWebhookTool.config@@', properties : [{ name : 'url', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.url@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true' }, { label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.from@@', type : 'header' }, { name : 'username', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.fromUsername@@', type : 'textfield', value : '@@SlackWebhookTool.fromUsername.value@@' }, { name : 'customIcon', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.customIcon@@', type : 'selectbox', value : 'joget', options : [{ value : '', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.none@@' }, { value : 'joget', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.joget@@' }, { value : 'url', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.url@@' }, { value : 'emoji', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.emoji@@' }] }, { name : 'iconUrl', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.url@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', control_field: 'customIcon', control_value: 'url', control_use_regex: 'false' }, { name : 'iconEmoji', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.emoji@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', control_field: 'customIcon', control_value: 'emoji', control_use_regex: 'false' }, { label : '', type : 'header' }, { name : 'channels', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.channels@@', description : '@@SlackWebhookTool.channels.desc@@', type : 'textfield' }, { name : 'participantIds', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.participantIds@@', description : '@@SlackWebhookTool.participantIds.desc@@', type : 'textfield' }, { name : 'usernames', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.usernames@@', description : '@@SlackWebhookTool.usernames.desc@@', type : 'textfield' }, { name : 'usernameTransform', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.usernameTransform@@', description : '@@SlackWebhookTool.usernameTransform.desc@@', type : 'textfield', value : '@@SlackWebhookTool.usernameTransform.value@@', required : 'True' }, { label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.message@@', type : 'header' }, { name : 'text', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.text@@', description : '@@SlackWebhookTool.text.desc@@', type : 'codeeditor', required : 'True' }, { name : 'unfurl_links', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.unfurl_links@@', description : '@@SlackWebhookTool.unfurl_links.desc@@', type : 'checkbox', value : 'true', options : [{ value : 'true', label : '' }] }, { name : 'unfurl_media', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.unfurl_media@@', description : '@@SlackWebhookTool.unfurl_media.desc@@', type : 'checkbox', value : 'true', options : [{ value : 'true', label : '' }] }], buttons : [{ name : 'sendTestMessage', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.sendTestMessage@@', ajax_url : '[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/json/app[APP_PATH]/plugin/org.joget.SlackWebhookTool/service?action=sendTestMessage', fields : ['url'], addition_fields : [ { name : 'testChannel', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.sendTestMessage.testChannel@@', type : 'textfield' } ] }] }, { title : '@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment@@', properties : [{ name:'fallback', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fallback@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fallback.desc@@', type:'textfield', value: '@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fallback.value@@', required : 'True' }, { name:'color', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.color@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.color.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'pretext', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.pretext@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.pretext.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'author_name', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_name@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_name.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'author_link', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_link@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_link.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'author_icon', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_icon@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_icon.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'attachment_title', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.title@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.title.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'attachment_title_link', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.title_link@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.title_link.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'attachment_text', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.text@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.text.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'fields', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields@@', description : '@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.desc@@', type:'grid', columns:[{ key:'title', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.title@@' }, { key:'value', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.value@@' }, { key:'short', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.short@@', options: [ { value : 'false', label : '' },{ value : 'true', label : '@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.short.yes@@' }] }] }, { name:'image_url', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.image_url@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.image_url.desc@@', type:'textfield' }, { name:'thumb_url', label:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.thumb_url@@', description:'@@SlackWebhookTool.attachment.thumb_url.desc@@', type:'textfield' }] }]
After completing the properties option to collect input, we can work on the main methods of the plugin which is execute method.
private SlackApi api = null; @Override public Object execute(Map props) { final Set<String> channelList = new HashSet<String>(); String channels = getPropertyString("channels"); if (!channels.isEmpty()) { String[] temp = channels.split(";"); for (String t : temp) { if (t.startsWith("#")) { channelList.add(t); } } } WorkflowAssignment wfAssignment = (WorkflowAssignment) getProperty("workflowAssignment"); String participantIds = getPropertyString("participantIds"); if (wfAssignment != null && !participantIds.isEmpty()) { String[] temp = participantIds.split(";"); if (temp.length > 0) { WorkflowManager workflowManager = (WorkflowManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("workflowManager"); WorkflowProcess process = workflowManager.getProcess(wfAssignment.getProcessDefId()); for (String pid : temp) { pid = pid.trim(); if (!pid.isEmpty()) { Collection<String> userList = WorkflowUtil.getAssignmentUsers(process.getPackageId(), wfAssignment.getProcessDefId(), wfAssignment.getProcessId(), wfAssignment.getProcessVersion(), wfAssignment.getActivityId(), "", pid); if (userList != null && userList.size() > 0) { for (String username : userList) { channelList.add(getSlackUsername(username, wfAssignment)); } } } } } } String usernames = getPropertyString("usernames"); if (!usernames.isEmpty()) { String[] temp = usernames.split(";"); for (String username : temp) { channelList.add(getSlackUsername(username, wfAssignment)); } } Thread sendMessageThread = new PluginThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try {, "SlackWebhookTool: Sending message to=" + channelList.toString()); sendMessage(channelList);, "SlackWebhookTool: Sending message completed to=" + channelList.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.error(SlackWebhookTool.class.getName(), ex, ""); } } }); sendMessageThread.setDaemon(true); sendMessageThread.start(); return null; } protected SlackApi getApi() { if (api == null) { api = new SlackApi(getPropertyString("url")); } return api; } protected String getSlackUsername(String username, WorkflowAssignment assignment) { String syntax = getPropertyString("usernameTransform"); syntax = syntax.replaceAll(StringUtil.escapeRegex("{username}"), StringUtil.escapeRegex(username)); return AppUtil.processHashVariable(syntax, assignment, null, null); } protected void sendMessage(Set<String> channels) { SlackMessage message = createMessage(); if (channels != null && !channels.isEmpty()) { for (String channel : channels) { if (!channel.isEmpty()) { sendMessage(channel, message); } } } else { sendMessage(null, message); } } protected void sendMessage(String channel, SlackMessage message) { if (channel != null && !channel.isEmpty()) { message.setChannel(channel); } getApi().call(message); } protected SlackMessage createMessage() { SlackMessage message = new SlackMessage(getPropertyString("text")); String username = getPropertyString("username"); if (!username.isEmpty()) { message.setUsername(username); } String customIcon = getPropertyString("customIcon"); if (!customIcon.isEmpty()) { if ("joget".equals(customIcon)) { HttpServletRequest request = WorkflowUtil.getHttpServletRequest(); if (request != null) { String url = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + request.getContextPath() + "/images/v3/logo.png"; message.setIcon(url); } } else if ("url".equals(customIcon)) { message.setIcon(getPropertyString("iconUrl")); } else { message.setIcon(getPropertyString("iconEmoji")); } } message.setUnfurlLinks("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getPropertyString("unfurl_links"))); message.setUnfurlMedia("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getPropertyString("unfurl_media"))); boolean hasAttachment = false; SlackAttachment atatchment = new SlackAttachment(); String fallback = getPropertyString("fallback"); if (!fallback.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setFallback(fallback); } String color = getPropertyString("color"); if (!color.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setColor(color); } String pretext = getPropertyString("pretext"); if (!pretext.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setPretext(pretext); hasAttachment = true; } String author_name = getPropertyString("author_name"); if (!author_name.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setAuthorName(author_name); } String author_link = getPropertyString("author_link"); if (!author_link.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setAuthorLink(author_link); } String author_icon = getPropertyString("author_icon"); if (!author_icon.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setAuthorIcon(author_icon); } String attachment_title = getPropertyString("attachment_title"); if (!attachment_title.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setTitle(attachment_title); hasAttachment = true; } String attachment_title_link = getPropertyString("attachment_title_link"); if (!attachment_title_link.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setTitleLink(attachment_title_link); } String attachment_text = getPropertyString("attachment_text"); if (!attachment_text.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setText(attachment_text); hasAttachment = true; } String image_url = getPropertyString("image_url"); if (!image_url.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setImageUrl(image_url); hasAttachment = true; } String thumb_url = getPropertyString("thumb_url"); if (!thumb_url.isEmpty()) { atatchment.setThumbUrl(thumb_url); hasAttachment = true; } Object[] fields = null; Object fieldsProperty = getProperty("fields"); if (fieldsProperty != null && fieldsProperty instanceof Object[]){ fields = (Object[]) fieldsProperty; } if (fields != null && fields.length > 0) { for (Object o : fields) { Map mapping = (HashMap) o; String title = mapping.get("title").toString(); String value = mapping.get("value").toString(); String isShort = mapping.get("short").toString(); SlackField field = new SlackField(); field.setTitle(title); field.setValue(value); field.setShorten("true".equalsIgnoreCase(isShort)); atatchment.addFields(field); hasAttachment = true; } } if (hasAttachment) { message.addAttachments(atatchment); } return message; }
In our plugin properties, we have a button to send test message. Let implement the webService method to provide an API to send test message.
public void webService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { boolean isAdmin = WorkflowUtil.isCurrentUserInRole(WorkflowUserManager.ROLE_ADMIN); if (!isAdmin) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); return; } String action = request.getParameter("action"); if ("sendTestMessage".equals(action)) { String message = ""; try { AppDefinition appDef = AppUtil.getCurrentAppDefinition(); String url = AppUtil.processHashVariable(request.getParameter("url"), null, null, null, appDef); String testChannel = AppUtil.processHashVariable(request.getParameter("testChannel"), null, null, null, appDef); setProperty("url", url); setProperty("text", AppPluginUtil.getMessage("SlackWebhookTool.testMessage", getClassName(), MESSAGE_PATH)); if (testChannel != null && !testChannel.isEmpty()) { Set<String> channels = new HashSet<String>(); channels.add(testChannel); sendMessage(channels); } else { sendMessage(null); } message = AppPluginUtil.getMessage("SlackWebhookTool.sendTestMessage.success", getClassName(), MESSAGE_PATH); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error(this.getClassName(), e, "Fail to send Test Message to Slack"); message = AppPluginUtil.getMessage("", getClassName(), MESSAGE_PATH) + "\n" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(e.getMessage()); } try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.accumulate("message", message); jsonObject.write(response.getWriter()); } catch (Exception e) { //ignore } } else { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT); } }
We need to include "jsp-api" and "slack-webhook" libraries in our POM file.
<!-- Change plugin specific dependencies here --> <dependency> <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId> <artifactId>jsp-api</artifactId> <version>2.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>net.gpedro.integrations.slack</groupId> <artifactId>slack-webhook</artifactId> <version>1.1.1</version> </dependency> <!-- End change plugin specific dependencies here -->
We are using i18n message key in getLabel and getDescription method. We will use i18n message key in our properties options definition as well. Then, we will need to create a message resource bundle properties file for our plugin.
Create a directory, "resources/message", under "slack_webhook/src/main" directory. Then, create a "" file in the folder. In the properties file, add all the message keys and its label as below.
org.joget.SlackWebhookTool.pluginLabel=Slack Webhook Tool org.joget.SlackWebhookTool.pluginDesc=Used to send message to Slack through incoming webhook SlackWebhookTool.config=Configure Slack Webhook Tool SlackWebhookTool.url=Webhook URL SlackWebhookTool.from=From SlackWebhookTool.fromUsername=Username SlackWebhookTool.fromUsername.value=Joget Workflow SlackWebhookTool.customIcon=Custom Icon SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.none=None SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.joget=Joget Workflow Logo SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.url=Image URL SlackWebhookTool.customIcon.emoji=Emoji Code SlackWebhookTool.channels=Channels SlackWebhookTool.channels.desc=Separated by semicolon(;). E.g. #general;#info SlackWebhookTool.participantIds=Participant Ids SlackWebhookTool.participantIds.desc=Separated by semicolon(;). E.g. applicant;approver SlackWebhookTool.usernames=Usernames SlackWebhookTool.usernames.desc=Separated by semicolon(;). E.g. admin;cat SlackWebhookTool.usernameTransform=Transform username to Slack username SlackWebhookTool.usernameTransform.desc=Hash Variable can be used to transform username to Slack username. Eg. @#form.slack.username[{username}]# SlackWebhookTool.usernameTransform.value=@{username} SlackWebhookTool.message=Message SlackWebhookTool.text=Text SlackWebhookTool.text.desc=Refer to <a href="" target="_blank">Slack Message Formatting</a>. SlackWebhookTool.unfurl_links=Unfurling Links SlackWebhookTool.unfurl_links.desc=Automatically find URLs in a message and create attachments based on the content of those URLs SlackWebhookTool.unfurl_media=Unfurling Media SlackWebhookTool.unfurl_media.desc=Automatically find Media URLs in a message and create attachments based on the media of those URLs SlackWebhookTool.attachment=Attachment SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fallback=Fallback SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fallback.desc=A plain-text summary of the attachment. This text will be used in clients that don't show formatted text (eg. IRC, mobile notifications) and should not contain any markup. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fallback.value=Attachment fail to display. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.color=Color SlackWebhookTool.attachment.color.desc=An optional value that can either be one of good, warning, danger, or any hex color code (eg. #439FE0). This value is used to color the border along the left side of the message attachment. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.pretext=Pretext SlackWebhookTool.attachment.pretext.desc=This is optional text that appears above the message attachment block. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_name=Author Name SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_name.desc=Small text used to display the author's name. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_link=Author Link SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_link.desc=A valid URL that will hyperlink the Author Name text mentioned above. Will only work if Author Name is present. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_icon=Author Icon SlackWebhookTool.attachment.author_icon.desc=A valid URL that displays a small 16x16px image to the left of the Author Name text. Will only work if Author Name is present. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.title=Attachment Title SlackWebhookTool.attachment.title.desc=The Attachment Title is displayed as larger, bold text near the top of a message attachment. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.title_link=Attachment Title Link SlackWebhookTool.attachment.title_link.desc=By passing a valid URL in the Attachment Title Link parameter (optional), the Attachment Title text will be hyperlinked. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.text=Text SlackWebhookTool.attachment.text.desc=This is the main text in a message attachment, and can contain standard message markup. The content will automatically collapse if it contains 700+ characters or 5+ linebreaks, and will display a "Show more..." link to expand the content. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields=Fields SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.desc=Fields will be displayed in a table inside the message attachment. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.title=Title SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.value=Value SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.short=Short SlackWebhookTool.attachment.fields.short.yes=Yes SlackWebhookTool.attachment.image_url=Image URL SlackWebhookTool.attachment.image_url.desc=A valid URL to an image file that will be displayed inside a message attachment. We currently support the following formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, and BMP. Large images will be resized to a maximum width of 400px or a maximum height of 500px, while still maintaining the original aspect ratio. SlackWebhookTool.attachment.thumb_url=Thumbnail URL SlackWebhookTool.attachment.thumb_url.desc=A valid URL to an image file that will be displayed as a thumbnail on the right side of a message attachment. We currently support the following formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, and BMP. The thumbnail's longest dimension will be scaled down to 75px while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image. The filesize of the image must also be less than 500 KB. SlackWebhookTool.sendTestMessage=Send Test Message SlackWebhookTool.sendTestMessage.testChannel=Test Channel SlackWebhookTool.sendTestMessage.success=Test message sent. to sent test message. Error: SlackWebhookTool.testMessage=Test Message
Next, we will have to register our plugin class in the Activator class (Auto generated in the same class package) to tell the Felix Framework that this is a plugin.
public void start(BundleContext context) { registrationList = new ArrayList<ServiceRegistration>(); //Register plugin here registrationList.add(context.registerService(SlackWebhookTool.class.getName(), new SlackWebhookTool(), null)); }
Let's build our plugin. Once the building process is done, we will find a "slack_webhook-5.0.0.jar" file created under "slack_webhook/target" directory.
Then, let's upload the plugin jar to Manage Plugins. After uploading the jar file, double check that the plugin is uploaded and activated correctly.
Check the Slack Webhook Tool is available in process tool mapping.
Now, let us configure the Incoming Webhooks in Slack platform.
Add Incoming WebHooks Integration
Configure the Slack Webhook Tool.
The message is received in Slack.
You can download the source code from
To download the ready-to-use plugin jar, please find it in (Coming Soon)