Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
By setting the System Locale and Using Locale Date Format checkbox, you can control how date and language is presented system-wide.
Figure 1: System Settings showing User Interface Settings
How locale date format is determined?
Locale date format is retrieved using the underlying Java library Joget DX runs on.
Here's a quick comparison by using the default Expenses Claim app on the "Created" column with no formatter used at all.
Figure 3: dateCreated is platform default column that will follow system locale format set
Figure 3: List using en_US locale where date displays as mm/dd/yyyy.
Figure 4: List using en_GB locale where date displays as dd/mm/yyyy.
This is the list of elements/modules but not limited to that may be influenced by locale settings.
Relevant Attributes: System Time Zone, System Locale, System Date Format
There are new changes where the user has an option to change their server timezone to UTC or GMT which is available from version 7.0.7 onwards.
For more information regarding this, please refer to Version 7.0.7