
Good day,

I am very new to this system and i would like to know does every form process require approval only than it can proceed to the next step ? 

As currently I'm trying to create a form where the requestor will fill in the information and it will directly send to the process owner. A very simple 1 to 1 but it keep failing to send the assignment notification to the process owner. The only time it work for the assignment notification is when i directly run the process. 

  1. Ian

    what errors are you getting?

    can you take a screenshot of your process flow? 

  2. Aaron Tan

    Good day,

    After playing with the system feature more, I am finally able to get an output. Kindly refer below for the sample

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1 answer


    Hi, how tasks are assigned depends on how you design your process. How is your current process design? You may want to check out Designing a Process for the basics of designing a process.

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