Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
I am a Joget newbie and still learning. I just realised that with options I need to use the form id and not the table id as with form (as defined in the knowledge base).
This subtle oversight cost me a lot of debugging time and this question on the forum. So all is good.
Hey CF,
do you perhaps have a way to replicate this issue as I am not able to encounter the same issue as you. the #binder.options.request.decision# works properly on my end.
Thanks for following up Reid. It was a mistake. Please see my answer.
#form.request.decision# should prints 0 or 1
#binder.options.request.decision# should prints Reject or Accept
Thanks for following up Bastiana. It was a mistake. Please see my answer.
I have a radio button on a form. In the email tool I want to show the option selected by the user in the message body. It is coming up as empty. It works fine when I user a select box. Here is my radio button options
Here is my hash variable in the email message body
This user has #binder.options.request.decision#ed the offer.
Note that the value is displayed correctly when I use #form.request.decision#