

I have a form that contains a rich text editor field which is displayed in a report.

I have added a "Preview" button on my form to allow a user to preview the changes in the report.

However no data is shown on the report when I click the preview button - probably because the data has to be saved to the database first.

How do I get the data in the report without save (note that there will 1000's of characters in the editor box)?

Alternatively how do I save the editor content to the database without submitting the form.

Support for Ajax will be ideal but do not know whether this can be done in Joget.


  1. Bastiana

    Any steps to replicate or screenshot to show? How to "add a preview" button? Are you using Report Builder?

  2. CF

    Hi Bastiana,

    These are the buttons on my form. Working fine. 

    Yes I am using report builder.

    On that form I have a Rich Text Editor with content that a user can edit. I use the report builder to create a formatted PDF of the content with images and other details. My requirement is to display the report when the user clicks on button Preview. If the user saves the form and then come back to the form and click on Preview, the report is generated properly. However this defeats the purpose of a "Preview". I want to be able to see the report without having to manually save and come back to the form.

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1 answer


    I used this solution Submit form with Ajax to solve this problem

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