
Dear Expert,

I am trying the Joget V5 and setting up the Internationalization Hash Variable with the Form Label as 


and i find out it work with the form that created by previous version like V4 but not work with the new create form (with V5)

Do anyone able to give me some hints to solve it ?

The enclosed is the screenshot of the message list that i imported from my own po files.


Best Regards

Tony Chu

  1. Hugo

    Hey Tony, Thanks for your observation. We will test it out and let you know soon. Thanks again.

  2. Anders

    I've tried the v5 beta 9 and it seems to work fine. Any particular steps to get the issue?

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1 answer


    Dear Anders,


    The problem is gone, after i restart the server after the locale file imported!


    Many Thanks

    Tony Chu

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