Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Yes I know. We are already using the Enterprise v5 beta9 version with license. But extended user hash variables not working correctly. Why?
I tested using on V5 beta9 and it's working ok. Can you confirm that the user belongs to a department?
User's has a department. This app working on v4 correctly.
According to Extended Current User Hash Variable, it's a Enterprise feature. That explains why it does not work in community.
We are using v5 Beta9 version with Enterprise license (with v4 license key). We have created some forms with v4 version and move it to v5. But some hash variables doesn't work now.
For example; hash variable not working. I think this beta9 version run as community version. Is this a bug? Do you have a solution?