I would to compare two value(numeric) (different column) in one spreadsheet and do some custom field format if this two value are different. If put this code in format in spreadsheet (field id: VCR_TABLE1.total ), but the comparison with VCR_TABLE1.Weight_kg (field in spreadsheet) are not working.
Hi I'm Newbie,
I would to compare two value(numeric) (different column) in one spreadsheet and do some custom field format if this two value are different. If put this code in format in spreadsheet (field id: VCR_TABLE1.total ), but the comparison with VCR_TABLE1.Weight_kg (field in spreadsheet) are not working.
{{renderer:function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties)
{td.innerHTML="<strong span style='color: black; background-color: red;'>"+value+"</span>";}
else{td.innerHTML="<span style='color: white; background-color: green;'>"+value+"</span>";}}}}