Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
You can locate it at the monitor page itself
Monitor > Running Processes > Select the specific running process
after a while, thinkering on documentation, finally find a way to refire back aborted process to last flow it was ended. thankss all.
This might be helpful Migrating a Single Joget App#MigrateProcessInstances
how to locate recordid ?
good days to all,
this issue happened when i updated some process and deploy latest process. suddenly checking process monitor, previous process that was initiated before process update was aborted by admin ( evidence on audit trail). can anyone suggest the best way to restore the process without submitting new process. i've read about plugins to update apps to latest process, but this is not my case now. thanks in advance.