Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi Anders,
Thank you and indeed you are correct.
My apology as I did not see another userview actually was being loaded at the App Center but was being placed at the bottom of the page. Hence if I have 2 userview it will load both. I mistakenly saw only one hence the question why it knows which to load.
Thank you once again.
Hi, actually each userview has it's own URL hence there is a separate Launch button for each one. There should not be any mix-up on which userview gets launched.
I attached the screenshot for clarity on my question. TQ
Hi All,
I created 2 userview A & B in application C.
My question is when I run application C, how it knows to load userview A or userview B ? where is the setting ?
If there is a a default setting to select a particular userview to an application setting, how then do I load another userview within the application ? i.e what are the common use case of multiple userview.
Thank you in advance.